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guccha February 9 2009, 03:48:03 UTC
"Until I found out how fucking shallow they were. After that I lost every sort of respect. And the fact that they can be bigoted or completely arrogant and ignorant at the same time. I mean... really. Just because an artist is cute or good looking doesn't make them talented or good."Yes, yes, yes. Especially to the last sentence there ( ... )


guccha February 9 2009, 03:48:27 UTC
Also, i'll be uploading some mp3s for you shortly and i'll post them in an entry in my journal tonight. :O


korilakkuma February 10 2009, 00:10:25 UTC
>___< I agree with you completely. I mean, I guess with Super Junior just the fact that they worked hard made me really proud. But I was pretty :||||||||||||| because I'm like you - I like when the artist does their own music and lyrics and everything. And it was pretty funny because one of my friends didn't even KNOW artists did that. And I was like ( ... )


guccha February 10 2009, 06:39:40 UTC
Awwww, thank you. ;_________;

I can understand that you'd be pissed upon.. discovering something like that. I've discovered that quite a few people I used to consider my 'friends' are actually really, really.. disgustingly shallow. All of these mentioned people were part of the KPop fandom, too. As I said, these shallow trends will be seen in every fandom regardless of the country or the genre of music, but the KPop fandom seems to be especially populated with hormonal idiots.

"And it was pretty funny because one of my friends didn't even KNOW artists did that. And I was like "...............".
I guess that kinda says something about the people I know. LOL."...ROTFLROTFLROTFL. That's indeed rather troubling. >___________x;;; I laughed outloud to that, rotfl ( ... )


korilakkuma February 11 2009, 00:26:04 UTC
Haha of course~! Hard to find many people on LJ that you can really respect. D: I mean, my flist is awesome, but... I see all these really retarded people on comms and I'm like "O_______________O". XD

But in any case, I'm glad my fail friends make you ROTFL. XDDDDD

Btw what server did you upload them onto? And yes I'll let you know if the links are broken.

I'll look into their personalities later since right now the computer is slow and lame. D: But haha~ if you like their personalities, I'm sure I will as well! :3


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