1000+ words worth of haiku

May 04, 2010 21:43

This is for the memories. Also for your entertainment.
In an MSN conversation, we wrote haiku. Lots of them. Here's a compilation of the haiku we have written. (Not all of them are mine, in fact, most of them aren't.) It is more or less a coherent conversation, once you can follow the multiple topics. "What interests you most about Japan?" How would I go about answering this question without flipping any switches? Why I interested in Japan anyway? Am I interested in Japan? Whose great idea was it to start the haiku madness?

Here is a series.
Of Haiku. Describing my
opinions. Japan.

Bad punctuation
Is proof of my weak haiku
skills. Plane ticket please.

Send me to japan
Pay all of my expenses.
I will beat Bash-O.

Send me to Japan
For great cultural justice
An airplane takes flight

Memoirs of geisha
Inaccurate portrayal
Of the Japanese

Crazy Japanese
Little faces on icecream
That is yoghurt-chan.

The defence army
No attack, only defend
Where are your ninjas?

Ninja v pirate
But ninja only defend
What the hell is that??

Sakura blossom
Narcotics. Whaling. Chicken.
I like the haiku.

Army supplement
And Hiei in spandex shorts
Where are the gundam

pikachu ga suki
he could power my oven
to deepfry sushi

Deep-frying in the oven
Must be Pikachu

AusAID graduate
Application ftl

The five-seven-five
is not helping me fill form
Another haiku

That was mean, Saki.
Get back to filling your form,
Margy is mean too.

app forms can blow me
sushi and pikachu plz
time for a booster

That is as may be
In all seriousness, you
Could complete form thus.

dear nerida bean
middle line of your poem
was six syllables

United Nations
Millen'm Development
Goals poem don't scan.

Alas, poor margy
“I fail math. Nevermind.”
Fail haiku too

dear sakanala
screw you and your haiku too
call the whaaaaaambulance

And what a pity
If only all essays could
End up in haiku.

hahaha. ha. ha.

/sarcasm, I take it?
We need a moderator
Haiku now clumsy.

National Haiku
Day. Come without your pants on.
I like chocolate.

Foreign Affairs and
Trade. White Paper: Advancing
The National Int'rest

Best. Memo. Ever.
Possibly least practical.
But still so awesome.

A sad day for all
When all said is a haiku
Compulsive counting

what memo do you
speak of? plz not the taxes
oh shit nearly june

Haiku poetry
A high form of greatest art
Encouraging maths.

You do not need maths.
No accidents would help you
Have enough fingers.

Tax time is awesome
I am member of welfare
State. Whee more money!

i lose them in a
tragic haiku accident.
le sad.

Welcome Paul and Elle
Hapless wanderers, alas
It is haiku time

No arithmetic
Nor algebra do we need
And still we must count.

deux petit chou chou
time for some haiku fun time
fuck mathematics

Your haiku bely
Unintentionally, perhaps

Haiku. Not really
Mathematics, exactly.
Bit like sudoku.

i like sudoku.
i play it in bed often
and it is - oh fffuuuuu

Ah, innuendo
many fall victim on net
That’s rule thirty-four

No, seriously
What’s so good about Japan
Haiku. FML.

Good of you to catch
me up on developments
in my short absence

Children are mourning
Why is Bugs hurting Daffy?
Why does Daffy grin?

to be honest, just then
I counted out nerida's
syllables. so cool.

Two words: duck season
Wabbit season, duck season, no
consensus there is.

I finished the app
Yay yay yay yay yay yay yay!
(No joke here, sorry.)

“No joke here, sorry”
Secretly a joke, trufax
Invisible words

Meta-talk is bad
Perhaps it should be limerick
Double the terror

"Pokemon, gotta
Catch em! You and me. The world
Is my destiny!"

Correction for Elle
Food. No spiders. Be right back.
It’s five-seven-five

How dare you say that
Limericks are evil things
Bonus for sonnets

dear elle is doing
this haiku thing totally
wrong. So much wrong. Ness.

But that is the point
Meta-limericks would be quite hard
Meta-talk would die

Crazy politics
Those voting Coalition
Don’t know ETS

This is so fucked
I'm going to move away
Canada is nice

Quickly, run and hide
best position liberal
It’s tony abbott

Japan. Totally.
Most rad heavy metal scene
I'll be deaf in months

Or be a viking
Raid rich seaside villages
Get lovely maidens

To my regret, I
must rise early tomorrow
I must go to sleep.

Goodnight, everyone.
Cathy, talk to you later.
See you tomorrow!

Goodnight Nerida
I shall talk to you later
Probably MSN

aw. bye, nerida
It seems i have missed goodbyes
Yet frigging again.

Iraq's first heavy metal
Band. Also, only.

Have to start somewhere
Their music will be brutal
And controversial

Speed-writing haiku
Never quick enough to count
Mos' def' not my thing

They started under
Saddam Hussein's shit regime:
I think they split up.

That is quite the shame
Whould have beat 'skullfuck a nun'
For brutality

I do not speed-write
All evening were haikus
Plenty of practice.

Random killin's for
everyone. They now live in
Separate countries

Near eight hundred words
Combined effort of people
Essay of haikus.

Well, there's always hope
War breeds productivity
Could be music's turn

Monday even.
Looms nearer, another week:
So much for readings.

brain now explodey
haiku funning is tiring
so much le sadface

No brain explodey
I have magical cure
Have some more haiku

colon t haiku
i'll just stay over here then
being quiet!elle

Keep it up, people
Just make it to a thousand
Then we'll call it quits

Nice punctuation
Quiet exclamation Elle
Grammar evolving

does it taste good? I
want to nom something nommy
yellow pikachu.

sakana, problem
your poem was 5-6-5:
I must take issue

why would you do this?
you guys must all be the most
terriblé of friends

oh my god same here
quick, lynch her with something fluffy
the lols will end her

Everyone play nice
We must be getting closer
Saki, quick word count!

Reply to Cathy
(It’s nine hundred and sixteen)
It is done ‘ku-ah’

commentboxing these
is becoming much more hard
huzzah for notepad

i keep counting all
the words being typed in this
window. explodey.

Beware of Margy
Syllable countinator
She’s haiku police

Internet haiku
Pronunciation is key
God damn is it hard

Good Night, my children
I think i shall go to bed.
Pleasant dreams await.

Good night cathy-face
Marshmallows are decieving
Do not eat pillow

i have to ask, now.
is this practice for /haiku?
or MacRob thing?

Sakana applies:
A japan culture exchange.
All expenses paid.

Spur of the moment
Like all the great things in life
No need for reason

nighty night cathy
hopefully no weird dreams wait
lurking in your mind D:

goodnight cathyface
I will miss you uberly much
ooops, too many words

close one, margumug:
change the word to uber, and
you have your word fit.

Our haiku word count
One thousand and sixty eight
Time to call it quits

I need to go now,
Headache brews behind my eyes.
Yet, so hard to leave.

Good night and sleep well
Do not miss your alarm, though
That would be quite bad

ilu very much.
dump your boyfriend nao and be
my precious plz. plzzz.

I hope that has entertained you as much as it entertained us.

msn conversations, haiku, japanese scholarship application

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