List-25.5-Things-About-Yourself Meme

Feb 04, 2009 12:52

This meme has been circulating in my FB. I've seen a list-10,list-16, list-20, list-25, so here is my list-25.5 to go with the trend.

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. One of them is only half-true. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you. If you want to do this meme, please do. If you don't, then no pressure (even though I'd would like you to.)

1. I used to have long hair.
2. I had 3 whole fingernails removed from my fingers, from climbing up a slide. Luckily, they reattached. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I swapped fingernails with another person, would there be 'transplant' rejection?
3. My first memory of chocolate was a Violet Crumble. (White 'chocolate' doesn't count, technically it isn't chocolate.)
4. I never went to kindergarten.
5. I repeated a year in primary school.
6: I used to sing in a choir in primary school.
7. My best friend was anorexic and smoked everything under the sun.
8. I received a detention every month or so in years 7-8.
9. Year 9 would have to be the best year of my life.
10. The strongest I've been in Go was 7-kyu. I should play Go more often. At the moment, my rank graph spans from 1-dan to 16 kyu, it's been a trip.
11. I have a elliptical mole on my left foot.
12. I have a penchant for baking cake when I have a long stretch of free time. I've never tried a recipe more than once. (If I must, I will alter it, just so I don't have the exact same recipe)
13. The first computer I had was a 80s Apple, complete with soft floppy discs. Not those 3.5 inch ones, really old-school floppy discs. (Designed in 1967) Here's a picture, it's the one in the middle.
14. I've never had braces.
15. I enjoy eating preserved jellyfish (with chili, a bit of sesame oil, bit of sugar). Crunchy fun times there.
16. Many people at primary school aspired to be chocolate taste testers, firefighters, detectives and hairdressers. For me, it was tree surgeon, food taster (checking for poisons. I'm not sure why this appealed to me.), pyrotechnician (it sure sounded impressive when people asked, i'll tell you that much) and forensics.
17. I wish to undertake JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) 2kyu this year. I should have done it last year, but didn't feel confident enough to take it.
18. I touch the bridge of my nose when I'm stressed/nervous/embarassed/amused.
19. I find it difficult not to look away when someone makes direct eye contact with me for a long time. This may happen when engaging in conversation with me; don't fret, I am listening closely to what you have to say and it is of no fault of yours when I do look away. I just find the constant eye contact to be unnerving. I believe Heidi does this too.
20. I ate black nightshade as a child. They are somewhat sweet, and remind me of blueberries. I wouldn't recommend you try them. I'm surprised I didn't die/have a stomachache.
21. One time, I grew eggplants on the roof. Climbed a ladder to prop a box full of dirt and seedlings on the lower part of the roof. It was a pain growing seeds in a yoghurt tub in my bedroom. (I know. Why do I do these things? Your guess is as good as mine.)
22. I used to have two chinese names, one from my father, and the other from my grandfather. My mother wrote the characters down, and drew letters out of a hat. Nice to know it was a lottery.
23. I used to unwrap easter egg wrappers very carefully, so as to not rip the colourful foil. (It's a phase everyone goes through. This phenomenon should have a proper name.) It used to make me unhappy to see people just rip the foil apart, scrunch it into a ball and throw it away. Now I don't care what happens to your easter egg wrapper.
24. I feel compelled to pick up perfect pine cones and take them home. (As Yotsuba would say, "It's a jewel!")
25. People who chatter away during lectures, despite how many times people tell them to be quiet: I cannot express how much this annoys me. If I could command a mini-void-from-the-9th-circle-of-hell to swallow them up silently, then I would. I'd release them out later. In a week or so.
26. I was born on Sunday, 23rd March, 0:06 am.

half-truth, life, meme

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