Fic: Death On The Water (Lita/Christian, 4/?, R)

Sep 13, 2007 16:00

Title: Death On The Water
Parings: Lita/Christian, Edge/Victoria, Lilian/Jericho, Batista/Trish, Cena/Stacy, Randy/? Others
Rating: R
Category: AU
Disclaimer: We own nothing.
Spoilers: No Way
Warnings: Multiple character death, strong language. Anything else and we’ll let you know.
Summary: When two special agents go undercover, it's love and death on the high seas.
Notes: Using real names for the most part. Pretending Christian Cage is his real name for plot purposes. Services provided by Glamour Shots are being tweaked for the plot, pretend with us, okay?

Half an hour later found Amy, Christian, Lilian and Chris in the car, headed towards Glamour Shots to have the necessary pictures taken. Whilst Lilian and Chris and even Christian had a few pictures; they had none with Amy included. And since Mr. McMahon figured they would need that sort of thing for their cover story, he had sent the group of four special agents to the studio.. Also reminding them that they would need to pick up wedding rings. Amy and Lilian decided that since they were heading to a mall, they might as well get some more appropriate clothing for the cruise. The two women had just finished making a short list of what they would need when they'd arrived to the Brandon Town Centre.

Chris made sure that he had locked and alarmed the car, “okay.. We've got those pictures to take, wedding rings to buy and--”

“Ames and I wanted to get a few things for the cruise,” Lilian reminded him with a smile. “You still have the agency credit card right?”

“Of course I do,” Chris sent a smirk to Christian, “unlike some people, I don't lose important things like that.”

Christian rolled his eyes, “whatever dude, let's just get this over with and out of the way. I want to enjoy my last day of freedom before we start this nightmare cruise.”

Amy shook her head, the redhead and Lilian leading the way to Glamour Shots.. Lilian informing the receptionist that Mr.McMahon had booked their appointment. And once the receptionist had confirmed their appointment, the four agents seated themselves in the waiting area.. Amy and Lilian looking through one album of finished shots whilst Christian and Chris did the same.

The receptionist from earlier smiled, “if you all are ready, they can see you now. We have two studios open so we can get the portraits done at the same time.”

Chris sent a questioning look to Lilian, “we need to get a wedding shot done and what else? We could use some of the pictures we already have..”

Lilian nodded, “we should probably get a set of formal shots done, you know? How they always show on television.”

Amy grimaced, “just great.. Not only do we have to get a wedding shot done, but we need formal and a few more.”

Christian mimicked her, “like I'm really looking forward to this. Come on, we need to pick out the background and whatever it is we're going to wear.”

“No really?” Amy drawled sarcastically, “thank you oh so much for that.. Seriously. I don't know what I'd do without you.”

“I know, without me? You're just doomed to live a life of misery.” Christian smirked, “consider yourself lucky, Pookie. Not everyone gets to spend this much time with me.”

“I'll consider myself lucky when this case is over, Jay Jay Bear.” Amy made a face, “please. I'd rather have a root canal without the Novocaine.”

The blond man smirked, “that can be arranged... Your pain will be my pleasure.”

Chris rolled his eyes at the pair, “maybe we should just call McMahon and tell him to cancel this case.. Or to just give it to me and Lilian.”

Amy arched an eyebrow, “why would you want to do that?”

Chris smirked, “Lilian and I are getting ready to do our next set of portraits already.. Our first set has been approved and it's being printed now. Have the two of you even decided on a background yet? No.”

Christian instantly went into character, “whatever you want is fine with me, Pookie. I trust your judgment.”

Amy fought the urge to roll her eyes, instead touching his cheek affectionately. “Why thank you Jay Jay Bear.”

Chris rolled his eyes again, making a gagging noise as Amy and Christian continued to play it up.

Lilian smirked as she joined the three, “maybe you shouldn't have said anything Chris.”

“Oh hush up babe, if I hadn't said something? Those two would have been arguing all day.”

“Maybe you're right..”

Chris smirked, the pair not noticing that Amy and Christian had left the dressing room. “I'm always right.”


The photographer assigned to Amy and Christian let out a patient sigh as he stood behind the two. “If you could just put your arms around her waist? No, no.. Not like that.. Hold her closer.. she's your wife, not your sister!”

Christian made a face, “if you wouldn't mind? I'm perfectly capable of doing this on my own. I don't need or want your assistance.”

The photographer eyed them skeptically but backed off none the less... Having seen enough of their arguments to not want to be in the middle of it.

Amy half turned in his arms, arching an eyebrow at the blond man. “Cut the guy some slack, would you? He's just doing his job. And for the record? You aren't anywhere near being perfect.”

“Oh really Pookie? I seem to recall you saying differently just the--”

She stomped down hard on his foot, effectively shutting him up for the moment. “Shut up Jay Jay Bear, the photographer is ready.” Gritting her teeth, she turned towards the photographer resting her hands over his as instructed. “Now, smile for the camera.”

Christian waited until the photographer had taken a few shots, the pair having to change poses for a few.. “That really hurt.. And you're paying for that later, Red, don't think I won't forget.”

“Just bring it.”

The photographer waited until they had finished, “if the two of you would like to get changed now, we'll get the next set of props ready.. If you can decide on a theme.”

Amy and Christian glared at the photographer in unison, but headed off to the dressing room anyways... Amy pausing, “can you set up for the wedding shots?”

“Yes, please,” Christian added as politely as he could possibly muster. “Let's get that over with as quickly as possible.”

The photographer simply nodded, Amy and Christian heading back to the dressing room.. Amy turning towards the blond man once they'd gotten there.

“Look, I'm having just as much fun as you are, but if you could stop behaving like a spoilt brat? I'd really appreciate it.”

Christian laughed, “I'm behaving like a spoilt brat? Listen up, toots, you aren't exactly making this easy so if you could maybe grow up a little and act like an adult?”

Chris rolled his eyes, “and here they go... Again.”

Amy inwardly seethed, “fine.. I'm just going to change now. Do you think you can manage getting ready or do you need someone to hold your hand?”

Christian waved her off, “just go change.”

Amy rolled her eyes, but walked away none the less, a wedding dress grabbed from the rack. Lilian offered her assistance, the two women making short work of changing; the redhead re-appearing minutes later..

Christian gaped, “you... you.. You look..”

“Stunning?” Chris offered, a smirk on his face.

“Yeah... That.”

Amy rolled her eyes, “my husband is just so romantic.”

Christian cleared his throat, “I guess I should change now.”

Amy sent him a 'duh' look, “that might help.”

Christian smirked, “I'll be back soon.. Try not to miss me too much..”

“Take your time, please.”

While Lilian and Amy searched for a matching veil and a bouquet of fake flowers, Christian changed into the nearest tuxedo he could find.. The blond man appearing just as Amy had found a veil... Amy nearly dropping the bouquet in her hands.

“Like what you see, Pookie?”

Amy, not wanting to admit to that, rolled her eyes. “Oh get over yourself, Cage.”

Christian smirked, the pair then heading back to the studio area so they could get the dreaded wedding shots out of the way. To the surprise of their photographer, Amy and Christian followed the given directions without complaint... At least until he had made one tiny suggestion..

Lilian cleared her throat, she and Chris observing. “The photographer does have a point.. And if you want to take a look? Chris and I had to do the same.”

Amy frowned, “but I don't want to kiss him.”

“Like I really want to kiss you.”

Chris shook his head, “if the two of you don't shut up and get it over with, I'll bash your heads together.”

In the most mature gesture on their parts, Amy and Christian stuck out their tongues.. Then turned to face each other again.. Their lips met briefly, a forced meeting at that.. The photographer voicing his disapproval. Rolling their eyes at the photographer, Amy and Christian then locked eyes, the blond man cupping her face with one hand before tilting her chin upwards. This time, however, their lips met in earnest; the photographer waiting to make sure that they weren't going to pull apart before he took a few pictures.

Chris smirked, “for two people who argue like they do..”

Lilian smiled smugly, “it's just like I told you in the car.”

Amy wasn't sure who broke the kiss first, but, after it had happened she had found herself speechless.. The redhead then standing there uncomfortably, Christian also unsure of what to say..

The photographer looked pleased, “well.. Why don't we get set for your next theme? Then one more and you should be all ready to go.”

To the combined surprise of Lilian and Chris, Amy and Christian complied without further complaint.. The rest of the photography session going without a hitch. And once they had changed back into their own clothing, the receptionist informed them to stop by in one hour for the finished packages.. Amy and Lilian deciding that now would be a good time to get their clothing.. Chris and Christian heading elsewhere to pick out rings. And when Amy had tried to question that, Christian had said it would be the right thing to do.. Amy simply shrugging instead of arguing the matter.


death, lita/christian fic

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