Fic: Complicated (A.J./Christian, 2/?, PG)

Aug 13, 2007 16:06

Title: Complicated
Authors: Kori/And (sweetrapture82/unprettyme77, together koriandor)
Rating: PG for now
Pairing: A.J. Styles/Christian Cage
Summary: It was just a little complicated.
Feedback: very much appreciated as this is a first attempt.
Disclaimer: We lay no claims to any the characters mentioned in this story. It's merely a work of fiction.

Their pizza had long since been eaten, the two men deciding to watch a movie since it seemed that neither was as tired as they had previously claimed.. Maybe what they'd needed was to just get away from the roster, away from work to be more specific. Here, at home, they could completely relax without having to worry about co-workers who never seemed to shut up.

A.J. had just returned from the kitchen, a large bowl of popcorn in his hand. He took a seat next to his blond Canadian room-mate on the couch. "Popcorn?"

Jay shook his head, "nah, I'm good."

A.J. shrugged, "More for me." He reached for the remote and changed the channel, quickly finding that a movie scare-a-thon was just starting.

The blond man blinked at the screen, an eyebrow arching at his room-mate. "Do you think you should be watching this?"

"Yeah why not?"

Jay grinned, "you do remember what happened last time don't you?"

A.J. waved it off, "that was just a coincidence."

The blond man raised an eyebrow, "oh really? So, you're trying to tell me that just happened to have a dream about a mad man chasing you with a chainsaw?"

A.J. frowned, "yeah, that's exactly what happened."

Jay nodded slowly, "uh huh. And next you're going to tell me that you refused to answer the phone for a week because--"

"I'll be fine," A.J. interrupted shortly. "Seriously, it's just a movie. I'll be fine."

"Right, so … if you don't want to watch this, we'll watch something else."

The other man shook his head, "nah, this is fine with me. I'll just be sure to leave my night-light on," he added dryly.

Jay chuckled, "whatever you say, kid."

"Whatever, let's just watch the movie."

Some fifteen minutes later, A.J. was watching the movie intently, his hand suspended close to his mouth, a piece of popcorn just brushing again his lips.

Jay, who was trying his best to watch the movie and not his room-mate, couldn't remain silent any more, "are you actually going to eat that or are you hoping it'll just jump into your mouth?”

A.J. turned his head to look at the blond man, "huh?"

"The piece of popcorn that you've been holding for the past … five minutes?”

A.J. blinked for a moment, unsure of how Jay would know that information when he was meant to be watching the movie. "Would you shut up, I'm trying to watch this.”


Just as the two settled into a comfortable silence, loud dramatic music suddenly blasted from the television causing A.J. to jump, throwing the bowl of popcorn in the air.

Unable to stop himself, Jay burst out laughing.

A.J frowned, "it's not funny."

"Dude it so was!" The blond man unable to stop himself from laughing further.

His room-mate frowned, "fine." Without another word, he got up and headed up the stairs towards his room.

After a few minutes, Jay managed to regain his composure. He glanced at the empty spot on the couch next to him, "A.J. … Dude, c'mon, I'm sorry." After receiving no reply, he spoke a little louder, "A.J.?" He ran a hand over his hair, "A.J. I'm sorry for laughing at you. “

"Leave me alone, I'm trying to sleep," came the muffled response.

Ignoring, A.J.'s request to leave him alone, Jay entered the room anyway, "come back downstairs."

A.J. shook his head, "Nope, I'm tired."


"I said, no. And you have to promise you won't tell anybody about this. If Nash finds out, I'll never hear the end of it."

"Okay, I promise."

A.J looked directly at him, "Do you pinky swear?"

Jay rolled his eyes, "Yeah, I pinky swear. Now, are you coming back down or what?"

A.J. shook his head, "Nah."

"Okay," Jay replied, he hesitated as he was about to leave, "I am sorry about that A.J."

A.J. shrugged, "So long as you don't bring it up again? We're cool."

"You sure?"

"Sure, I'm sure." He faked a yawn. "I am tried though so if you wouldn't mind …"

Jay frown slightly, "yeah, night then."

"Night," A.J., replied as he watched Jay leave. As soon as the door was closed he let out the breath he didn't even realise he was holding. "Oh my god, you're such an idiot."

After leaving A.J.'s room, Jay returned to the living room. He switched off the television and briefly set about the task of picking up the popcorn, his room-mate had spilt some ten minutes ago. Somehow though, watching movies without the younger man there wasn't as fun... Jay heading back upstairs so he could get some much needed sleep.

Later that night

The house was quiet, peaceful with the two occupants sleeping, unaware to the other's plight. And perhaps it would have stayed that way if one of the room-mates hadn't had a nightmare.. A.J. shooting up from his bed with a loud scream.

Jay had been on his feet the moment he'd heard his room-mate's screaming. “Dude, are you okay?”

A.J. panicked, “I'm fine! That wasn't me!”

Jay shot an incredulous look at the door, walking into A.J.'s room un-invited. “When are you going to just realise, you can't lie to me. And aside from that? We're the only people in this house.”

The younger man rubbed his hands over his face, cheeks tinged red with embarrassment.“I'm fine Jay, just... go back to sleep.”

Unconvinced, the blonde man walked closer to his room-mate, a cool hand placed on his friend's forehead. “Are you sure you're okay? You don't look so good dude and you're hot.” Jay mentally slapped himself for that one, “I mean.. Your forehead is hot and your face is all red.”

A.J. peeked through his fingers, surely his friend wasn't that oblivous.. But, the moment he opened his mouth to say something, the younger man regretted looking in the first place. “I'm fine,” he finally managed, his blue eyes trained to Jay's face once he'd realised his room-mate was only wearing boxers. “Just trust me, all right? I'm fine.”

“If you say so,” Jay trailed off uncertainly, “but can I at least get you some water or something?”

“That would be great,” A.J. said quickly.

“I'll be right back then.”

A.J. nearly let out a sigh of relief as his friend left the room, only to mutter under his breath as he found himself unable to stop watching his friend leave. "Damn it. He probably thinks I'm this immature moron who can't handle a horror movie."

"Here you go," Jay said as he returned, handing a small bottled water to his room-mate.

"Thanks," A.J. smiled as he accepted the bottled water, his fingers inadvertantly brushing against Jay's as he did so..

Their eyes had locked in that briefest of moments, something lingering in each of their blue depths..

Jay cleared his throat, looking away first. "Do you want anything else?"

A.J. shook his head, "I'm fine for now," he uncapped the bottled water, toying with the cap for a few seconds.. Anything to distract him now. "I really am fine Jay, you don't have to sit with me all night."

Jay shrugs, "it's not a big deal man, you know that... And besides, I just wanted to make sure.." He reached out without another word, his hand brushing againt A.J.'s forehead again. "Good.. Your forehead isn't hot anymore."

A.J. took that moment to take a healthy sip of water, not really trusting his voice nor his thoughts enough.

"Right well," Jay rubbed his forearm awkwardly, "good night A.J."

"Good night Jay," the younger man finally said when he trusted his voice to not betray him.

A hint of a smile graced Jay's face as he left the room, closing the door softly behind him.

A.J. let out a sigh halfway between relief and frustration. "..Damn it."

Jay rubbed his hands over his face and through his hair as he made his way back to his room. "Your forehead isn't hot anymore... Good one Reso, could I have sounded anymore like an idiot? He's just my room-mate and my friend. That's it."

A.J. buried his face in his pillow, trying to get more comfortable, rolling around a little until he was situated on his back. "Okay, sleep.. Sleep is good. Sleep does not involve thinking about your room-mate wearing his boxer shorts... Who am I kidding."

While both men had wanted to get a good nights rest during their time away from work, it seemed that sleep was elusive to them for at least that night. Something was changing between them, or maybe it had already changed and they'd just refused to acknowledge it until then. Whatever the case, things were starting to become just a little more complicated with each passing day.

a.j/christian, slash, complicated

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