Oct 17, 2007 22:25
Weekly Asian Post, Vol. 86
I was watching TV the other day and came to realize something that has probably been obvious to most of you for quite some time. In order to show what I mean, I need to use a specific example. There's a new commercial these days for what I believe is Degree Prescription-strength deoderant. It has Chad Johnson in it, if that helps you to know what I'm talking about. Anyway, in the commercial, the announcer mentions that one in four men worry about excessive armpit sweating. Now, at first, I did not believe the figure. But, upon further consideration, they might be correct, but ONLY because of the commercial itself. Excessive armpit sweating, upon other things, is one of those things you don't consider unless someone brings it to your attention. In other words, the commercial is probably what solidifies or increases the figure of 1 out of 4 men by making more men aware of the sweating. It's not to say that I've fallen into the trap of being concerned about excessive armpit sweating, but just the fact that I was considering this convention is, subliminally, what the commercial was attempting to accomplish.
I've come out of the midterm period feeling... OK about myself. My academic standards haven't really diminished since I've come here, but I've noticed that my mediocre standards just seem so much worse in the presence of all of these hard-working UVA students. I don't mean to insult other schools, but UVA is clearly one of the most coveted higher institutions for strong students. The students that come here hold themselves to a higher standard at all times. I don't think I've ever held myself to a standard that is near what some of the kids here hold. It goes without saying that this lesser standard can be contributed to my lack of concern for myself, along with something I've probably just grown up with.
Anyway, so my midterms are gone, and I don't have to think about another test for another two weeks. I'm also going on the Chi Alpha retreat this weekend, which should be exciting. Finally gives me a shot to get away from the grounds and bond with more people I might not know that well. At some point I need to accept how great my life is and not ever get in a bad mood. Yeah, right.
Have a good one. Guitar Hero III in a few weeks!