Prepare yourself for the WHINE.. *hands out cheese*
I am SO fucking bored it's not even funny. And that's just the beginning of my... Blarness.
There are so many things I want/need. I am getting a new monitor for Christmas and I can't fucking wait... but there are so many other things I need. Hell, I need a whole new damned computer... there are so many things wrong with this one I can't even begin to explain. I need one of those massage pads you put in your chair.. one of the REALLY good ones that actually knead and pound your back... and yeah.. that's a need but it's also a want. If I had someone to massage my back FOR me it wouldn't be such a pressing issue. I've got so many damned knots I'm hunched over like an old man. It's not fun.
I've really got my eye set on
this one. But
this one is about fifty bucks cheaper and might be the one I wind up getting... just because it's cheaper...
I did sort of get one thing that I need, or rather, I'm in the process of getting it. I've gotten my eyes examined and I got a prescription for new glasses and disposable contacts but it'll be a couple of weeks before I can really afford either. The contacts aren't that hard to afford though as they're relatively cheap... the glasses, however, are not going to be fun. My face is so thin it's hard to find glasses that don't look utterly ridiculous on me... at least... not ones that are cheap-ish... I'd have to spend about three hundred dollars to get glasses that look halfway decent on me. Though they did give me a "free" set of contacts that'll last me two weeks... and I can definitely afford to get more contacts before the end of that two week period.
Then there are the things that I WANT... like.. oh.. the rest of the FAKE mangas in English... I only have the first one. *headdesk* The Vampire Hunter D Novels in English... well... book three through... whatever number they're up to as far as the ones translated. I have the first two and I think they're up to seven or eight now. Well, okay, technically I don't have to read the third VHD book because the second movie was based off the third book... but if the second movie fucked up the third book as much as the first movie fucked up the first book.. I'll still need to read it.
I also want another tattoo... not sure which one, but I've got like... five more planned... though I'll probably wind up getting more than those five eventually. I have three already... but tattoos are addictive.
Meh, if I'm patient enough I'll wind up getting these things... but saving money is a bitch, especially when you don't make much to begin with. And patience has never been one of my virtues.
I'm having a blah day... and I sort of blame this on my having a job. When I didn't have a job I didn't let myself think about the things I needed or wanted because I just plain couldn't afford them... that's that. Now that I'm working again my brain is going "I need that, I need that, I want that, I need that, I want and need that, I want that...." *grumbles* Ah well.