You Think You Know, But You Have No Idea

Feb 25, 2011 14:24

100 Things About Me
Created by sharee and taken 2944 times on Bzoink
First grade teacher's name:Mrs. Segal
Last words you said:We were looking for the B5 forms
Last song you sang:A Milli
Last person you hugged:Curly Sue
Last thing you laughed at:Being flipped upside down and spanked by the bartender
Last time you said I dont remember:I don't remember
Last time you cried:When I found out my friend is about to do his 3rd tour in Iraq
What color socks are you wearing:Black
What's under your bed:Nothing
What time did you wake up today:6:40am
Current taste:Italian?
Current hair:Loose spiral curls
Current annoyance:People minding my business
Current longing:Acceptance to grad school
Current worry:That I won't be accepted to grad school
Current hate:All the talk about Justin Bieber's haircut. Really, America?! Really?
Current favorite article of clothing:Boots
Favorite physical feature of the preferred sex:Hands
Last CD that you listened to:Best of Seal - 1991-2004
Favorite place to be:Curled up with a good book
Least favorite place:In the middle with you
Time you wake up in the morning:When the sound of my alarm clocks start eating away at my soul
If you could play an instrument, what would it be?:Guitar
Favorite colors:Blue & green
Do you believe in an afterlife::No
How tall are you::5'4
Current favorite word saying::Totes
Wish you could go back and talk to::My mom's mother
Where do you want to go for college::What? Done.
What is your career going to be like?:Psychologist
How many kids do you want?::More than none but less than 5
Said "I love you" and meant it::Yes...but not romantically
Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/
Been to Florida::Yes
Been to California::Yes
Been to Hawaii::Yes
Been to Mexico::No
Been to China::No
Been to Canada::Yes
Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day?::Seriously
Do you have a crush on someone::Yes
What book are you reading now?::The Red Badge of Courage
Worst feeling in the world::Waking up really late for something important
What is the best feeling in the world::Holding a cute puppy while it's sleeping
How many rings before you answer::2
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal::No, but I would
Do you do drugs::No
Do you drink::Like a reluctant fish
What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use?:Garnier Fructis
What are you most scared of::Failing
What clothes do you sleep in?:Whatever I'm wearing when I get sleepy
Who is the last person that called you::My seester
Where do you want to get married::In Europe
If you could change anything about yourself, what would that be?:My ability to commit
Who do you hate::No one
Are you timely or always late::Usually late, or at least running late
Do you like being around people?::Sometimes
Best memory?::Sitting on someone's janky balcony during late spring listening to Bob Marley
Are you for world peace?::Of course
Are you a health freak::Define "freak". Do I take care of myself? Yes. Do I obsess over it? No.
Do you want someone you don't have?::Not that I can think of
Are you lonely right now?:No
Ever afraid you'll never get married::No
Do you want to get married::Yes
Do you want kids?:Yes, but "kid" would be fine too
Bought Something::Yes, groceries
Gotten Sick::No, but I do feel a little congested currently
Said I Love You::No
Wanted To Tell Someone You Liked them::Yes
Met Someone New::No
Moved On::No
Talked To Someone::Yes
Had A Serious Talk::Yes
Missed Someone::Yes
Hugged Someone::Yes
Yelled at Someone::No
Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With::Not that I can recall
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totes, 100 things, keepin' it real weird

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