thanks a

Sep 22, 2005 20:58

LJ Interests meme results

  1. computers:
    what can i say? im a geek.. hardcore. when new hardware comes out i have to read about it at least, usually i like to play with it too :) its so complex and facinating, on the simple level it does a simple task like add lots of numbers but the method it gets there is crazy complex.
  2. michigan:
    for as much flack as i give michigan, i love it. the weather is perfect for the short attention span, the winters are cold and usually snowy. the lakes are awesome, the woods so peaceful. id soo love to have a cabin up north, but it would have to have internet tho :)
  3. midgets:
    ooo midgets, natures little joke punchlines. they get shot out of cannons, rap on stage, wrestle, everything! but in all seriousness, to have the nerve to live your life as you want and not even let the shortness stop you, that earns my respect. so i mark out everytime theyre brought up!
  4. music:
    might sound weird but music was never a big part of my life, so im forcing it to be :) i love most everything, minus some super twangy country and some super urban rap.. everything has a place in the soundtrack of my life. just a matter of getting to the right cd on the ipod.
  5. networking:
    this is my career field, the securing and administering of data networks in the corperate envirnment. tracking down the hackers that deface websites or steal your credit card numbers... thats in the job description. but so is telling suzy from accounting her password of FLUFFY isnt going to be strong enough to withstand a bruteforce attack.
  6. nintendo ds:
    i <3 my DS. psp is a good movie watching device but the DS plays my games. advance wars is the name of the game for now, its consumed way too many hours. nintendogs is also fun. ZERO, my german shephard, is a freakin sniper on those frisbees. cannot wait for mario kart ds and animal crossing XD
  7. women:
    mm women... quite the opposite of men most of the time. so soft too XD its great to have a completely different point of view than the usual guys view, more than a life filled with beer and football. and theyre cute. and fun to be around... and cute.
  8. psychology:
    my 2nd career choice. if it wasnt networking, it would have been psy. ive since realized they are quite similar, technology and psychology. both involve seeing what makes something work and what to do when it doesnt. diff is, no one gets upset if you kick a computer when it crashes. my other choice was to merge the 2 subjects and go into computer AI.. something that is deeply facinating on paper but in reality, the programming would kill me.
  9. saginaw:
    ah sagnasty, my place of employment and a large eye opening experience in my life. imagine the preppy white kid from midland getting shipped off to saginaw and his reactions.. oh yeah. its been good tho, ive run across so many cool people that ill never forget.
  10. talking:
    so underrated, no one does enough of it. they talk but they dont talk. people talk about how their job sucks or why school is being hard on them but besides bitching, not enough useful communication is done. id value a good dinner and better conversation over most physical items any day of the week.

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