Fuck you Poof Daddy!!! “Vote or Die” my ass!!!…

Oct 13, 2004 07:19

***I’m about to cast a spell of disenchantment upon LJ land. Hopefully, no one will find this hilarious. I don't.***

I’ve had it with everyone trying to push their agenda on me. All the rhetoric. All the government appointed foreign officials. All the conspiracies to destroy the election day paper trail.

I turn on my favorite news station, FOX News, and I hear a discussion about the function of “security moms” in the upcoming election. It turns out that “security moms” are the new breed of mini-van driving “soccer moms” that are sympathetic to “President” Bush’s push towards the “War on Terror.” Notice the placement of quotations, it’s very important to the point I’m trying to make.

Other news organizations can’t even decide what the “truth” is… http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/04/07/sprj.irq.chemical.ali/http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/08/21/sprj.irq.main/ .

Many of my compatriots have been attentively watching the Presidential debates in hopes of deciding whom should “run” the country. What none of them noticed is that these “debates” are just extended infomercials reminiscent of Japanese Kabuki dances. It’s a gentlemanly game of “grab ass” using political rhetoric to motivate feeble minds that the laws of product scarcity do not apply to the United States of America. Make no mistake, Bush is being beaten in these primetime public displays of fellatio. He doesn’t know the facts, and repeatedly takes his cues from “Harry” Kerry without going into an issue on his own. He’s on the defensive, and even had the audacity to shout at poor old Charlie Gibson. If I was in the audience, I would have stood up like Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing and said, “No one puts Charlie in a corner.” or “Look, spaghetti arms. This is my dance space. This is your dance space. I don't go into yours, you don't go into mine. You gotta hold the frame.”

The “Town Hall” debate looked nothing like it pretended it would be. I was expecting Bush and Kerry dressing up in their best blue jean denim ensembles, acting laid back and sociable. Kerry repeatedly pandered to the audience’s supposed need for “escapism” in this modernist playhouse. Those robots in the crowd didn’t help matters at all, they just sucked it right up. Everything is about semantics -- it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it, and it’s all bullshit.

So now, the Bush administration is planning on delaying military operations in Iraq until after the US election. After all the news conferences that have been held talking about the progress we are making in Iraq, I find it deplorable that the government would still have to wage attacks large enough to possibly impact the vote. It just doesn’t make sense, but you can read about it here: http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&e=3&u=/latimests/20041011/ts_latimes/majorassaultsonholduntilafterusvote

For you youngsters out there reading this (both of you), it’s okay to disagree with the establishment. The time has come for a campaign of widespread dissent. It is time to disagree with everyone. Your parents. Your friends. If they are offended that you have a brain; tell them to fuck off -- even if you agree with them. I’m serious.

Don’t feel like you’re letting anyone down by not voting. If you’ve done your best to research what little options you have, and you feel you still can’t grasp the ideologies of the Presidential candidates, then you don’t have to be forced to choose against your better judgment. Honestly, this world can’t get any worse.

If you want to ROCK THE VOTE!, rock it in your own way. Deprive these greedy partisan hack job sons of bitches the enjoyment of believing they made an impact on your actions. The best way to get back at them is by not voting. All the money they poured into the machine, approximately $15 per “likely young voter,” will go to waste if the youth of America recognizes that the entire two-party system is archaic.

Do yourself a favor and tell 10 of your friends not to vote. This translates to screwing these political activism goons out of $150. If the chain continues, the cost becomes $1,500, then $15,000, then $150,000, perhaps even $1,500,000.

Some of you may say, “But JAmes, what are you going to do about your Presidential aspirations?” All I can say is that my campaign, The Destroy Your Liver Tour, is momentarily postponed. No more partying till Saturday…

I am JAmes and I approve this message.

Ó Paid for by F.U.C.K.U. Party Programme.
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