Sep 12, 2004 23:50
Man do I hate wedding receptions. Let me let you know I had never been to one before yesterday. I didn't want to go first of all. And the ONLY reason I went was because my friend Angela beeged me for weeks saying "You have to go! You are my date! If you don't go I'll be there all by myself and have no one to dance with!" So of course being the softy I am played around with the not going thing just to add some plot to the upcomming climax. When the day rolls around Angela's sisters cancel on going to the wedding so we have 2 open seats already payed for at the table. Alex calls Tony. And Theresa is running around the house in a craze because of her daughters. When Angela gets home Theresa says "ANGELA YOUR SISTERS CANCELLED CAN YOU CALL ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS?!?" Yep that was the sound of my heart falling into my stomach. I had waited all this time for a chance to hold the love of my life and spend time with her because it truly was the only reason to go. I don't know her 3rd cousin. So she calls her friend Mike. Who I like. He's a manager at Ram's Horn and always offers me a job literally like every time I see him. Well while all this is going on my heart is shattered. I actually went into my room and cried myself to sleep. Then Theresa woke me up to get ready to go to this gathering I was dreading. I get all dressed up nice and pretty (check Alex's journal in the future because she might have a picture update of the wedding) And sit around chain smoking til I am hoarded off to the car. When we get there I head straight for the bar because there is no way I am going to be sober for a huge social gathering especially with people I don't know. So I spent a good 2 hours running back and forth getting drinks for everyone (and 2 for myself each time) and talking to Mike while Angela shoots the crap with her family. Theresa was quite entertaining as a drunkard. And Tony put salt and pepper in one of her drinks it was quite hilarious. But when the music comes on all the girlies wanna dance. FREEEEEEZE!! Bombshell time. Guess who has never danced at a function in their life...? Yeah you guessed it me. I have never done a school dance and this was my first wedding so I had never danced before (except by myself in my room where I am of course the best dancer). Well I've already kicked back a few too many so I end up dancing with Theresa who has kicked back WAY too many for awhile. I actually got STEVEN SHAPARDANIS on the dance floor dancing??? Can you believe that?? That's like Kurtis Spear dancing! Well Angela dances a little with her mother but Mike refuses to dance except to slow songs. So I go up to Mike and keep trying to get him to go dance with her on the dance floor but he refuses and you can tell she's having a horrible time. Then the slow songs come on. This might be a good time to talk about height. Angela is like 5'8 barefoot. Mike is like 5'7 barefoot. Angela's wearing like 3 inch heels... Fun slow dancing or what?!? I ended up dancing one with Theresa and then going off to have a ciggarette because watching Angela dance with Mike although amusing was kinda sad. So I hit the bar once again and take off onto the balcony. Afterwards I go back to the dance floor and cut the rug a bit with Theresa and Mike Shapardanis sister Iris, man am I knocking those older women off their feet lol. I heard afterwards for never have been dancing I guess I can dance well, I guess alcohol can make you do anything. I don't even remember half the dancing. Then I go back to the table where Angela and Mike are sitting. She can read me like a book and right off the bat says "Kurt I promise the next slow dance I will save for you." And me being as sauve as I am shrug it off like "Whateva." And I sit and talk to Angela and Mike for awhile. Well then the Greek music comes on. If anyone has ever been to a Greek wedding they know what line-dancing is. It's where everyone holds hands and just kinda walks in a circle. So they do that for like an hour and Angela says "I'm sorry Kurt but I'm going to go I have to work in the morning"(it is 10:30 pm). So I play it off cool like I'm not bothered and continue to drink until 11:45 until we leave. I was quite snookered. We get home and Angela has not gotten home yet. I guess she went out with Mike afterwards to have dinner how nice. Now I know Mike doesn't have a chance with Angela because first off she doesn't like him and second he is going out with one of her best friends. But the whole night she was having a horrible time and today she told her mother who told me she regreted taking Mike because she had a horrible time. She deserves it. She keep trying to talk to me and do stuff but I'm a teenage girl on the inside so I kept ignoring her and blowing her off. And now she keeps talking about how I'm supposed to be her date to next week's wedding????? Here's what I intend to say:
Angela last week you blew me off on our date at the drop of a dime. I'm not so much bothered that you never danced with me it's more you completely blew me off without any thought for my feelings. And now you think I should be your date to this wedding?? I think maybe you should call one of your "friends". *Storms off in a mad state*
What do you guys think comments and lots of em!!! I need your input. Especially if you are a female and would be crushed if that happened to you because I'm sick of beinging the fall back and I wanna show her I'm not just going to be her rebound friend for whenever she needs one. Thanks and goodnight.