Aug 23, 2006 23:18
Creating a character in a story takes time. You must think about their personality..what they look like..their history. Surely all these factors matter, for you would need to know how they would handle certain situations for your story, would you not? Crafting psyche. Crafting complexity.
Wouldn't it be interesting, if we could create the people we know? Granted, not everyone would be able to do it, because then who created us? Well, I guess thats a different conversation all together, if we were in fact created by something other than evolution. But putting all complications aside...what if you were given the ability to create...invent elaborate characters into your world? Would life be perfect, because everyone is perfect? Well perfect according to your standards anyway. Or on the other hand, would life lose almost all intrest, because there is no mystery left in fellow human neighbors? How long would watching your characters interact with eachother be entertaining?
My opinion? All stories must come to an end. There is no need in this world, for permanent characters created from fluff to take our place.
But it sure would be interesting...