Feb 04, 2008 19:56
First off let me start by stating that I LOVE my laptop. Just the way the keys fall down slightly and make that small popping noise gets me in the mood to write. Since I'm left handed, I've always found writing to be a pain but this makes it a lot more smoother. I doubt my writing will be any better in its style and flow but at least it feels like it.
Over the weekend Kate and I slept over Sabrina's aunts house (Sabrina was watching the dogs for the night). It seemed very uneventful at first but then after some awkward silences everything turned out well. I got to meet Sabrina's boyfriend, who is extremely quiet but interesting at the same time. I found it kind of funny how they are more of a game show couple, whilst Kate and I prefer stuff like Dirty Jobs or Ghost hunters etc. The best part of the night had to be being able to cuddle up alongside my girlfriend. Just to hold her and feel her breath is like walking in heaven along the wet dew drops of water forming on the bottom of the clouds and feeling that little shiver run through your spine. The feeling of morning and the image of the suns rise.
Moving on, we woke up to the next day and I remember going outside for a smoke. That's when I felt at home once again to nature. Hearing the birds and squirrels running around that area was like a rhythm I just couldn't grasp by the horns. The trees as high as the Empire State Building and the squirrels like the workers of an office running around gathering its food and looking for a small perverted glance at another squirrel. I guess you wouldn't necessarily go that far but if a squirrel can't feel that way then I don't know what life was made for.
Now to throw myself to later on, after Kate and I got in the car and backed off into the roads to the main ones that spiral all across the world like giant snakes uncoiling and dying back into the earth. This is where the focus was on the big T.V screen formatted right under my staircase and Tom Brady propped right onto the center of the screen. Why the fuck did I watch this Super bowl garbage?! I guess it was the excitement that I was watching history in the making, or maybe it was the fact that I was still trying to procrastinate on homework. I don't think it was the second one because I spent 2 hours trying to sleep beforehand in preparation of procrastination. Anyways it felt really shitty to watch them loose and have a low scoring game. I'd say the most interesting part of the game was when Bill Bollichick, whatever way you spell it, through in the challenge for the 12 members on the field thingamajig. I mean if you think about the difference of one silly foot on the field, wouldn't you agree it is pretty ridiculous.
After the game, I remember feeling that ultimate crappy feeling of two hours wasted. Its one thing to play a game and loose it, its another to just be a potato sitting on a couch and watch a team play for 2-3 hours and loose miserably. It's equivalent to watching the wall, well maybe more equivalent to the wall bleeding and decaying right in front of your eyes. That would actually be pretty cool to see. So I guess it really was just staring at a wall no blood or gore to sooth your soul. However, I got over that feeling right away when my girl and I talked on the phone after the game. Just hearing her voice can make you sway in and out of reality so fast that before you know it she stole your wallet, socks with your shoes still on, and even your virginity.
Going to bed was kind of depressing though, I recall being very upset. I was thinking basically this: Hear I am, a guy who had a psychotic breakdown, goes into a hospital and comes out as a non smoker and no substance abuse etc. Now hear I am, deciding to quit smoking once again (don't even ask how i picked them up again) since this morning and having a bottle of Ritalin at hand for school. It feels no different than how shitty it was when i was loony. But now looking back at the writing I guess it's not half bad. I could be 300 hundred pounds over weight, have a stuttering problem where I can't say I love you to my girlfriend right (which i guess is true in some cases), and I could be kicked out of my house for being a total psycho. So I guess I'm actually doing pretty well but the weather sure can make you feel down. It can just grab you by your wings and throw you back to earth so that you are falling with the knowledge that not a single ray of sunlight will be seen for weeks. In lighter news, no pun intended, it would feel utterly amazing to feel wings growing, to be able to sore up high and fly against the sun, the warmness on your back and cheeks.
Well it felt good to type again, I haven't done that in a while. so far in school I feel like I am doing terribly but my papers and grades I've been getting back say otherwise. This makes me happy to know at least I'm not also a failing, smoking, and jobless person/ I'm just a smoking and jobless person. Hey! If i don't smoke for today and tomorrow then i would just be jobless!