Sep 09, 2004 20:24
When I was still a young, lazy, procrastinating high school student, I always told myself that when I got to college, I would be the most studious student ever to walk the face of the planet. This thought helped me to rationalize why I never did homework, why I frequently doodled instead of taking notes, why I only did classwork when it was convenient/easy/interesting for ME, and why I was totally ok with all of the preceeding actions. It was ok to slack off in high school, because once in college, I would be working my ass off.
However, I gave myself too much credit.
You know, my mind can be very tricky. It likes to believe that I can do things that I actually cannot. For example; become a vegetarian, understand trigonometry, do a handstand, perform open-heart surgery, etc. It was my mind that once again fooled me into believing that I could be a motivated student. Isn't it sad when it's only your second week in college and already you're wanting it to be summer? Blah. (see previous entry on the word blah)
Also, I have a few proposals for my university on how to make a student's education more worthwhile, if not a lot more enjoyable to me.
Here is the list of improvements needed:
1. a. Lazy boy recliners in all of my classes. This way, I can totally doze off if the professor is giving a particularly boring lecture, and be completely comfortable while doing so. There's nothing worse than trying to snooze in wooden seats with the nerd next to you furiously scribbling notes on the downfall of Native American civilization.
b. A 2-way mirror between the class and the teacher. This coencides with part a, in that your teacher will not be able to see if you're sleeping during his/her class and therefore is not given the option to be an asshole/bitch by waking my ass up.
2. Moving walkways between each of the buildings and my dorm. I'm a lazy ass--enough said.
3. Books that aren't so fucking expensive. I honestly had to sell my soul to Satan to buy my history book. I mean, I like Satan as much as the next guy, but I was hoping to haggle with him for more than $75.86.
4. Laundry service. And I don't mean laundry machines. I mean, I throw my clothes into a chute and then they're washed, folded, and brought back up to me within a couple hours. Fuck this do-it-yourself shit. I've been living out of my laundry basket for about a week now cuz I am that fucking lazy.
5. T.A.'s who aren't from Ghana. I mean, what the fuck. Even if you speak perfect English, your accent is too heavy for anyone to understand. Get a translator or something.
6. Alcohol fountains. This way I can keep my buzz from Sat. through Friday. Also, there should be a selection. Like a vodka fountain, or a SoCo fountain, or a coconut rum fountain.
There's another one, but I'm gonna make that the topic of my next entry, because it's too fucking good to just put as a sidenote in this one.
Anyways, in conclusion, college sucks and summer rools. The end.