NO U! NO U MOAR! BAWWWWWWW SOMEONE CONGRATULATE MY WHITE-KNIGHTING This entire fandom needs a thicker skin. I don't know if I've ever seen more than maybe 2 people respond to trolling/drama/negativity with a shrug and "whatever."
No, seriously, buck the fuck up. I think I've mentioned this before on
fandom_secrets but even if people abhor your fics and think that
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As far as this wankfest - someone needs to grow a backbone and just say 'fuck you people, I'll write whatever the fuck I want'. Seriously.
This is pretty much the point of my entire post. I got sidetracked. :B Thanks for agreeing. It's just... damn, people, come on. No more of this "be nice to absolutely everyone no matter what" bullshit. Uuuggh.
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