Who: Naruto & Sasuke
When: Sunday, May 11th. Early evening.
What: Naruto is let out of the hospital, so he and Sasuke go home.
Where: Hospital, then Sasuke's apartment.
Warnings: Possible sap? Who knows.
Open?: Nope.
As soon as the doctor gave the okay Naruto was out the door to the hospital room that he had practically been confined in for a week. The flu had hit him and hit him hard, and his asthma had ensured that he was down and out for the entire week, but he bounced back with surprising speed as soon as the virus had run its course. It was almost as if Naruto had willed himself better at that point. He most likely had, because of...well...
The waiting room had to be around here somewhere... Nope... Not this one... Ah, there we go. Rounding the corner, Naruto's eyes immediately scanned the space for his boyfriend. He was feeling slightly off for a variety of reasons, but he was also sure that being with Sasuke again -- finally -- would make things 99.9% better.