Sewing Machine Advice?

Jan 10, 2009 02:07

Finally getting a new sewing machine (mine is older than I am, and has issues). Anyone have advice on what machine to get? (Model number, brand, whether it's good or bad, etc.)

Stayed over at hakuku's house last night and worked on P4 cosplay. I was really lazy, so I didn't get as much done as I could have. xD; I can't believe I started working on cosplay so soon after a con. ><;; Stayed up till 6:30 AM talking to Jennifer about random stuff...I'm not sure how we got up in the morning. xD;; Went to FD today with itsukayume, evanae, and hakuku. Am infinitely more poor now. The trip was pretty successful, but it took way too long to find a lot of things. >>; I bought a lot of stuff for several cosplays. I ended up with around 15ish yards of white fabric (3 different types...but still...). I'm not gonna be able to sit for two of my cosplays cuz it'll get dirty. >_>;

Jennifer posted some pics from the Soul Eater photoshoot by epiic here. :D

photoshoot, sewing, soul eater, friends, ala, cosplay

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