Survey fun for everyone!

Mar 27, 2005 22:42

The "I Never Thought of That" Survey

First, what time is it now: 10:47

Obscure Favorites

Favorite writing utensil to take notes with: pen (with the little clicky knob)

Favorite thing to order at a Chinese Restaurant: sweet&sour chicken

Favorite decade in 20th Century History: 40's or 90's

Favorite book you were forced to read for school: 1984 (no contest)

Favorite movie trilogy: Lord of the Rings

Favorite obscure food: I put french fries on all manner of fast-food burgers/sandwiches. Also, Wendy's chicken nuggets dipped in chocolate frosty.

Favorite kind of socks: normal white ones. No stripes, grey toes (and/or heels)

Favorite original nintendo game: I'm gonna' say Megaman 2, though Mario3 and Zelda are running at it with knives.

Favorite See's chocolate: Bordeux, or those caramel discs

Favorite U.S. State (besides the one you live in): AZ or WA

Favorite character in your all-time favorite movie: William Wallace

Favorite cartoon you watched when you were little: Transformers

Favorite place to go on a summer day with a group of friends: camping

Favorite movie you saw for the first time at school: Monty Python and the Holy Grail, or Princess Bride

Favorite unpublished story (probably fanfiction): Mythri (my game), or Final Fantasy 3: War of the Magi (my fanfic)

Favorite famous work of art: I've always kind of liked "the scream" though I just know there's something obvious I'm forgetting...

Favorite African country: Djibouti!

Things you probably don't give much thought to, but do all the time

How do you respond when an employee says "Have a good day"? I've already said the same to them.

How low do you let your gas tank get before you fill it? Pretty near the bottom, I'd say 1/8th the tank.

How often a day do you check your e-mail? 5 times.

Do you signal whenever you turn or change lanes? Yes, of course.

What do you do when you see a yellow light? I alternate between speeding up and slowing to stop.

What's your default response to "How are you?" Fine, you?

Do you usually pay with cash, credit, or debit? Cash. Debit if I'm out, Credit if I'm stupid.

When you go through a door, do you hold it open for the people behind you? Yes, and for women up to 15 feet away.

Do you always throw your trash in the trash can? yes

Is the weight on your driver's license accurate? Would you look at is!

About how long can you pay attention to lecture in class before you start to zone out? Depends. I'm either in it for the duration, or I was gone before it started...not that that matters anymore.

How often do you remember your dreams? Always for about 10 minutes upon waking. After that it's a crapshoot.

If you have to leave your house in the morning at 8:00, what time do you set your alarm for? 6:30. But, I'd get up at 7:05

Do you order dessert? Depends on where I am. More often I buy it elsewhere.

Pick one (and yes, you have to pick one!)

Nails on a chalkboard or the sound of your alarm clock?: Alarm clock

Obnoxious little kid or raving, senile old man? Senile old man (he knows better, so you can tell him so)

Hanson or NSync? NSync

Disco or Country? Country

Racism or Sexism? Sexism

Essay tests or oral reports? Essay tests (please!)

Microsoft or Walmart? Microsoft

Sore throat or upset stomach? Sore throat--people understand when it's hard to talk, but don't give a damn if your "Tummy hurts"

Telemarketers or Tailgaters? Telemarketers--I can purposefully piss them off without getting into a wreck.

Homework or chores? Chores (I don't really have a choice of the other, anymore)

Scalding hot coffee or barely lukewarm coffee? I hate how it tastes, so I guess scalding would sear away my tastebuds.

Ward Churchill or George W. Bush? George W. Bush (that was even a question?)

Facism or Communism? Facism, and hope the dude in charge isn't evil

Christmas commercials or infomercials? Christmas commercials if they're the Milton Bradley ones that haven't changed since I was 7.

Paris Hilton or Britney Spears? Britney Spears.

Gnomes or Goblins?: Goblins

O.J. Simpson or Michael Jackson? Michael Jackson

Bad sex or no sex? This depends on your definition of "bad sex". If you mean sex with someone who's "into it" but just isn't good at sex, then bad sex. If you mean sex with someone who would rather be somewhere else, then no sex.

10 minutes late or 10 minutes early? Early

What is the worst...

Movie you've ever seen (not counting MSTK3000)? The name escapes me, but it had Keifer Sutherland and Kevin Bacon...and it was about bringing dead people back to life. Also, Frighteners and Anchorman.

Food you've ever tasted? Vietnamese food

Teacher you've ever had? tie between Mrs. Thies (who was evil), my foods teacher (who moved to Montana midway through the trimester), my Math Analysis teacher (also evil), or Mr. Gross...who taught for 10 minutes max each day. Oh wait, my Evil English teacher from Fullerton, who is dead now.

Advice you've ever heard? "Tap that ass"

Drama you've ever been involved in? This play about a radio station in 8th grade. See, I was a DJ and... OH, I get it.
Well, I dated this girl whose friends decided I was evil and was stealing her away from them. So they mounted this horrible assault of drama to convince her that I was abusive and mean. When it was over, none of them were friends again--her name was Carol, btw.

Gift you've ever received? An electric razor I was "going to get anyway" for my 16th birthday (I only asked for ONE video game...c'mon!)

Grade you've ever gotten on a test? F (shouldn't this be the same for most everyone)

Haircut you've ever had? I'm told I got one in Sophomore year that was just terrible.

Book you've ever read all the way through? "He, She and It" by Marge Piercy. It's a sci-fi about a woman who builds a robot that can satisfy her "in ways no human male could" because she could program it to be perfect. There are sex scenes.

Song you've ever heard? Whatever it was called, it was performed by Boy/Girl

Crime you've ever witnessed being committed? One of my friends unknowingly stole my bike in 6th grade. I didn't witness it, but that was pretty bad.

Fashion trend you've ever seen? The 80's.

Pun you've ever heard? Dunno, but I was the one who said it.

Negative or Positive
For this section, pay attention to your initial feeling upon reading the word. Was it positive or negative?

Family: positive

Rainbow: positive

Intimacy: positive

Soccer: positive

Computers: negative

Marriage: positive

Cell phones: negative

Makeup: negative

Style: negative

Romance: positive

Culture: positive

Sex: positive

War: positive

Reading: positive

Kids: positive

The Future: positive

Thought-provoking questions that will probably make you want to kill me

If you could be any religion besides your own, what would you be? Jewish.

If you had to sleep with a celebrity of the same gender as you (or the opposite if you're homosexual), who would it be?
That's a tough one...I think I'll slum it up and say David Spade. (Though I'll still have Mel Gibson's child!)

If someone held a gun to your head and said to pick one of the people you've dated (or liked, if you've never dated) and marry them, what would you say?
"I hope it's Lauren"

If you wanted to do something, but and expert in the field told you seriously that you stood no chance, would you take his/her advice or do it anyway?
Hell yes I'd do it. Are you kidding?

If you didn't have any obligations at all, what would you do all day?
Explore nature.

If a really, really hot stranger just came up to you and asked you out, how would you react?
If I wasn't engaged/dating, I'd take them up on it. One date never hurt anybody.

Girls: Is someone more likely to call you a slut or a prude?
Guys: Does it bother you that there's no way I can frame a question for you that would be equal to the one above?
Uh... "Player" and "Virgin" What do I win?

If you were the opposite gender, what kind of clothes would you wear?
Skirts and spaghetti straps / jeans and sweatshirts / overalls

Are there any of the seven deadly sins (lust, greed, sloth, gluttony, pride, anger, envy) that you don't think you've ever been guilty of?
If you only count gluttony as food, then eating--but you shouldn't, so none.

Do you think you're anything like your zodiac sign?
Beats me.

What, if it happened right now, could cause you to go through a complete mental breakdown?
If I lost my job? I dunno

Do you usually voice your opinions?
Oh yes.

What's the most common misconception people have about you?
That I'm intolerant / judgemental / racist. Why am I ALWAYS accused of being racist!? Also, that I'm good with computers.

Look at the time you started. How long did it take you to finish this?
30 minutes

How many of these surveys would you estimate you've taken in your life?

Assuming this survey was average, about how much of your life have you wasted away on surveys?
Why, that would be 210 minutes, 3.5 hours.

How are you planning to murder me?
By default.

EDIT: I updated my answer to one category
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