Feb 28, 2003 23:43
so i sound like you?...
and then to you, i have the best surveys?...
this was a first:
my name showing up in two of my friends livejournals.
i feel like a movie star!
or maybe that's the appletini i'm drinking out of my fancy shmancy, space age martini glass.
oooh so high class.
so tj and hilary live here now.
when i'm sitting here updating my fucking journal,
one of them might be a few feet away updating THEIR fucking journals.
maybe one of them can come in here and slap me and tell me to get over myself?
i miss...
well, anyway...
today we moved boxes from one place to another again.
now there are lots of boxes in the living room.
oh and we got a new refrigerator.
according to charley, taking the front door and the door from my room to the kitchen and then almost killing ourselves moving this huge fucking thing is somehow like a "party" and putting the doors back on is "after the party" meaning: the part nobody wants to do, but everyone wants to go to the party, of course. yeah that metaphor didn't really work. it all sucked. very badly. i think tj almost died.
but it's over now.
i mean everything is in the house.
now we clean and organize and make this fucking house a home.
god damn.
how long have i waited for this?
i better hurry up and make lots of friends so we can have a small party here after everything is together.
after everything is neat and organized, then we can have people over to fuck it all up.
i'm cold,
but hey i can sleep with my door open tonight if i want.
isn't that awesome?
yeah, you just don't get it.
the cats are free!