Dec 09, 2006 12:00
Last week (last Sunday, I think) I set myself some week goals. Failed at all of them. But. The goals were to completely stop consuming certain items for one week. While I didn't manage that, I did cut back. So, I guess that's good. Not great, but good. Perhaps I tried to take too many things out of my diet. Perhaps I just have no will power.
Last weeks goals: no meat, no refined carbs (white stuff), no diet soda (or fake sugar), no alcohol. Eat fruits, veggies, non-fat milk.
Successes: switched to non-fat milk, no problem.
Almost successes: no red meat, almost no diet soda (24 oz? probably, which is way lower than normal!), had alcohol at my work's Christmas party, but not a lot. I only had croutons (white flour type) once.
Failures: cookies (white flour, and too many), carrot cake, too many appetizers at aforementioned party.
One thing that occured to me is that I have all these goals I'd like to reach, and they are a little at odds with each other. I really need to decide what's most important...Like I want to run better, which means I needs carbs to feel that, but I want to be skinny, and that means lower calorie intake which makes running not feel so good. I want to do good things for the earth and eat less synthetic items, but I want to lose weight which (for me) means fake sugars and over processed foods (sometimes). Blah.
So, maybe I should allow diet soda. Not a lot, but not fight it so much.
And, who am I kidding. I'm not maintaining. I'm gaining. Not a lot, but still. Maybe I'll get some inspiration with a new year's resolution. Somethings gotta give.
Next week goals: non-fat milk only, no white flour carbs at lunch. Keep it a little simpler.