Jan 27, 2016 20:14
mood ~ Still felt anxious, but a tiny bit better than the week before. I was able to kinda sort out my feelings and thoughts and gradually get to the point, where I can finally start to do important things. On an other note I felt really angry with random people I encounter in the city who stare and point fingers at my boyfriend and I when we date. Like it's their fucking business. It's because I'm Chinese an he's Danish (blonde and green-eyed, so you couldn't tell apart if he's German or not). If you want to know more about this issue, go read my last blog entry, though it's written in German. If you don't understand it, no problem. I just ranted a lot.
watched ~ I watched the whole first season of Scrubs in one day. That was intense. No, I'm joking. I just had a really lazy day and didn't felt like doing anything, so I cuddled into my bed and watched Scrubs via Netflix.
read ~ I read lots of blog entries, newspaper articles and other stuff. Germany is full of enraging news articles these days, it's almost impossible to read anything positive.
listened to ~ Nah, didn't listened to anything in special this week. Just a bunch of Disney songs, but I do this a lot, when I feel like singing along.
played ~ I was so addicted to Pokémon Picross, it wasn't even funny anymore. Finished the whole thing and now I go for the 100%. Yes. I do.
anything special? ~ nothing :D