I've always been into nonsense songs. I don't know if that's a good word for it, but you know, the songs that are silly but fun. Think Chara's 'Sweet' where she chooses her friends based on looks, or Hitomi Yaida's 'My Sweet Darlin' where she imagines decimating the skyscrapers so she can see across the land clearly to find the guy. Anyways, 'Just Love' falls into that category for me and I cannot help be attracted to the song!
So why not translate it to learn the actual words she says?
前ぶれもなく呼び出すの 天気がいいから
わたしを待ちぼうけさせて 何様のつもり
走ってきたの わかってるけど そんなことは当たり前よ!
※ Just Love! 気にくわないアイツ
Just Love! 気になるから いつも
ムリなこと言っちゃうの ちょっと ご・め・ん…
…Just Love…
今日は腕に縒りをかけて 御馳走してあげる
ハラペコにして家に来て おみやげを持って
逆らうなんて10年早い 今に痛い目に会うわよ
Just Love! 目を光らせてるの
少しでも残したら 許さないわ
Just Love! 心を込めたから
まずいはずないじゃない 味わってね
…Just Love…
Without warning I call you out because the weather is nice
Who do you think you are by keeping me waiting so long?
I know that you came running, but that is to be expected!
Just Love! Obnoxious guy,
Teasing me “because I love you.”
Just Love! Can’t help but think of you all the time.
For making impossible requests, I’m a bit sorry.
…Just Love…
Today I’m going all out and will treat you
So, come to my place on an empty stomach, and bring a small gift.
Resisting is so 10 years too soon. You’ll be trouble!
Just Love! Watching your every move
If you leave even a little I won’t forgive you.
Just Love! Because I put my heart into making them
There is no way they can be yucky. Go on and taste them.
…Just Love…
I think this is the quickest translation I have done yet. Maybe all those small projects I get at work are adding up!
To check I looked at the existing translation on
Anime Lyrics dot com and what the heck!? Theirs is sooooooooo different. I can't help but wonder if they were looking at the same lyrics as I was.
What do you think?