Wink Up 2016.09 - Shimekake x Teranishi x Moritsugu Crosstalk [Theme: Who is most popular?]

Aug 12, 2016 21:58

Hello lovelies ♡ Time got away from me this summer, so this will be my last translation until I'm settled back into college! I move back in to the dorm next week and then classes start already, so we'll see how that goes ^^; Enjoy these three sweet boys!

Wink Up 2016.09
Scan credit as always to Yoshiko-mama

Shimekake Ryuya x Teranishi Takuto x Moritsugu Ryota

Takuto: Speaking of today’s theme, which is “Between us, who is the most popular”…
Ryota: (Interrupts and immediately raises hand) it’s me! Yay~, I’m the best!
Ryuya: Eh, it’s whoever says it the fastest?
Takuto: Okay okay, isn’t it fine like that… I guess (bitter laugh)
Ryota: No no, after all, since it’s this theme you have to go all out! So if the three of us actually liked the same person, I wonder what the outcome would be.
Ryuya: As soon as I decide that “this is the girl for me,” then I’m definitely going on the offense.
Takuto: You won’t let go of the prey you’re aiming for… That type.
Ryota: So cool. Then I’m the “I wont reject what comes to me” type. Totally not cool (laugh).
Ryuya: If Tera went to a group date or something, doesn’t he seem like the popular type?
Takuto: Ah~, it’d probably become that way. Because I’m sweet (laugh). Somehow or another, people are just drawn to me.
Ryota: How nice~, that sort of charm (laugh). But I agree, Tera seems like he’d be nice to girls.
Takuto: Right? But you know, if it comes to actually being in that position, I have I feeling I’m not like that (laugh). Don’t those guys who act all gentlemanly and cool have the image of being popular? Guys who serve others food and sympathetically say to girls, “Need anything? Want some water?” or things like that, right? Ah~, I couldn’t do that (laugh).
Ryota: At a time like that, Shime and I seem like we would earnestly fill that role (laugh).
Ryuya: But Moritsu is funny so I feel like you’d be popular with girls.
Takuto: Shime also seems popular too though.
Ryota: After all, because he’s the recently popular type “Genderless Boy”* right?
[t/n*: read this article if you don’t know this trend. I’m all about it, and Ryuya definitely fits it *-*]
Ryuya: What is ‘genderless’*? Is that popular?
[t/n*: the Japanese term for genderless kei uses the actual English word "genderless" so Ryuya doesn't get it.]
Ryota: Well, I can explain that to you later. Moving on, what area would be your guys’ appeal points?
Ryuya: I wonder what… I’m fun.
Takuto: Really? Wait, you’re saying that yourself (laugh)?
Ryuya: I love going to amusement parts, snowboarding, and doing things like barbecues, so I promise to go on active dates like that.
Takuto: Ah~, I get it I get it. Normally looking at you, you do seem like you’d do those sorts of things.
Ryuya: I love the outdoors! But I’m still going to properly protect against getting tan!
Ryota: As expected, that’s genderless (laugh). What’s Tera’s appeal point?
Takuto: I’m going with the setting that the girl doesn’t know I’m a Johnny’s, so I’ll let them think that I’m a guy who can’t dance.
Ryota: But because of that, if you suddenly start dancing, wouldn’t she be troubled (laugh).
Takuto: True, there is that!
Ryuya: Just try dancing in the backround during karaoke or something (laugh).
Takuto: She would be completely taken in, I’m sure.
Ryota: No, during Kawai-kai one time, Kawai (Fumito)-kun was singing and Miyadate (Ryota)-kun danced behind him. Plus, it was only like a 1 meter wide narrow space, but he was seriously dancing (laugh).
Ryuya: Uwa, that level of karaoke is so high!
Takuto: For real. That’s why, if she came to see a concert I appeared in, the way she sees me would probably change and at least make an impression on her.
Ryuya: Because Tera is good at dancing right. Wouldn’t a girl’s heart definitely beat faster? What would Moritsu’s appeal point be?
Ryota: If she chose to be with me, then I definitely wouldn’t let her be bored. I’m confident that we could always have fun talking.
Takuto: Girls like talking at pancake shops and stuff like that, right. That gives you high points!
Ryuya: That art of conversation is Moritsu’s weapon, but if you just kept your mouth shut then you’d be an ikemen (laugh).
Ryota: That’s true. Aren’t I super cool if I put on a suit or something and just don’t talk?
Takuto: Ye~p. If you keep quiet then I guess you’re kinda cool.
Ryota: Right? But the regretful part is, I just can’t shut up (laugh).
Takuto: And whats more, it becomes, “When he talks, his voice is surprisingly high” (laugh).
Ryota: I think this is also one of my idiosyncrasies, so they’ll accept it because it’s part of who I am. Hey, isn’t this conversation rare between us three?
Ryuya: Because we’ve done stuff like appear in stage plays together, we talk normally, but to do it like this for a magazine… It’s never happened, right. It was interesting!
Takuto: Right! We unintentionally messed around like usual, and although we got carried away with our statements, its joke material so its fine (laugh).
Ryuya: Yeah. But this one last thing I need to say truthfully, between the three of us, the most popular one is me!
Ryota: No no, because I already said it first!
Ryuya: No no no. Because I’m the popular 'genderless-whatever it was'!
Takuto: You have no idea what that means (laugh). Deciding who seems like the most popular… Let’s leave that up to the people who read this (laugh).


Who do you all think is the most popular with girls out of these three? I'm team Ryuya all the way, but that's just because he's definitely my type xD

★It's okay to share this translation with other fans, but please only share a link to my journal. Do not repost without a link or credit to me. I am not a native speaker so there may be mistakes, and corrections are welcome! Thanks, & comments are appreciated~ ^^★

*teranishi takuto, *moritsugu ryota, *shimekake ryuya, translation: crosstalk

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