(no subject)

May 05, 2006 04:00

as winnie-the-pooh would say, "oh bother."

it's just turned 4am...i'm still awake. i went to bed 3 hours ago and still haven't managed to get any sleep. granted i've been up and down all night like a yo-yo....
get up to close the curtains properly, back to bed,
up to get a drink of water, back to bed,
up to check the heat is off, back to bed,
up to open the window, back to bed,
up to check the front door's closed, back to bed,
up to check the weather forecast for tomorrow (rainy), back to bed,
up to get water, back to bed,
up to press random buttons on the printer in the dark cos the bloody little green flashy light that informs me the blasted thing is demanding to be re-filled is like chinese water torture. seriously, that printer seems to devour paper like a ravenous beast....

the latest reason for being up is now to LJ, since last time out of bed i checked Pink Is The New Blog, and it made me want to speeeel... kipper has walked past my door 3 times in the last 10 mins so at least i'm not the only poor soul still awake. wait...no, that was ashley potter leaving for work. so it's not 3 times, it was 2 times.

yesterday (thursday) was josette's birthday, today (friday) is barrett's...it's now officially been a week since i started applying en masse for jobs, and i have yet to get any call backs. i've almost finished one of the wodehouse stories...i still haven't completely removed all of the hijack virus and it's driving me nuts....i feel like i'm going in circles right now!

i need to get a job or else i seriously am going to go mad. last year i had a job the day after i arrived in Edinburgh...stupid bloody Halifax...

I wish at least i had something to look forward to doing each day...i spend everyday the same way, coffee, emails, jobhunt, coffee, food, read, substitute coffee for tea and repeat on loop till i go to bed, possibly inserting a random outing to drop off a resume or run and errand every day or two.
today we went and picked up a chocolate cake for josette, and a mini pretty pink one for barrett...if we can fit all the 20 candles on it it will be a miracle. lol at least it's something for his birthday since i'm too broke for words and can't get anything for him right now.

meh - 4:30... $20 says it's 6 before i fall asleep....
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