Jan 18, 2005 13:47
Okay so I decided to create a new version of me.. Logun 6.0 if you will.. I have done just about every other type of person.. aside from emo which is for the new generation, and I don't understand it.. it was Goth for me.. it's emo for the next gen.. but anyways I've decided that as a child I thought as a child and did as a child, but now that I am a man, I think as a man and do as a man, and must put away childish things.
So, all my anime scrolls and posters of video games, all my strange art and oversized standees are coming down, and I'm redoing my room with a strickly comtemporary style. I went to Ikea with my flatmate yesterday and had a ball getting lost and going against the flow of traffic. I think I will really be able to express my style with out having video game characters with big boobs holding abnormally-sized swords on my walls...
As a start to my new look, I cut off my bangs and am now slicking back my hair, to give me more of a... GQ/Jude Law look... a more mature and clean cut look... However getting rid of the eyebrow ring is still in debate, but I think it will go eventually. I'm thinking about how much easier it will be for me to get roles in plays if I present myself more as a clean slate than the weird, peirced, and tattoo'd freak that I am. I don't plan on changing anything about me... just the outside apperance. My room (a cage that expresses the feelings and thoughts of my mind) will now be kept safely bound in the pages of my drawing journals, and my appreance will be that of a boy who has become a man.. (I hope)
Note: For all my friends who are used to my previous state, I hope you understand that I just need to change sometimes. I hope that as my friends you will not judge me based on my change or appreance. I know you probably won't but I just don't want to be scolded for this, since it was my own decision and not an female influence.