memes make me happy...

Apr 28, 2010 15:09

....Rainy days depress me.

As do allergies/cold/whatever the hell is making my eyes water and my throat hurt and my head feel three times too big for my neck :P

So thus, a meme is in order :) Swiped from akinarei we have.....

step 1➸ Put your MP3 player or whatever on random.
step 2➸ Post the first line from the first 20 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing the song.
step 2 1/2➸ Replace any instance of the song title with 'Google-Headed McGee'.
step 3➸ Post and let everyone you know guess what song and artist the lines come from.
step 4➸ Strike out the songs when someone guesses correctly.
step 5➸ Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING!

1. Seems a downright shame, seems an awful waste.... ( guessed by lumykins )

2. From the inside room when the front room greeting becomes your special book.

3. I feel you, Google-Headed McGee (LOLOLOLOL)

4. Twenty thousand miles to an oasis...

5. What would you think if I sang out of tune? (guessed by cmc42 )

6. Oh, oh, oh brother totem pole..

7. You could say it's my instinct.

8. Roll on down to midnight..

9. Caught out running but just a little too much to hide.

10. So I'm back to the velvet underground.

11. Oh, life is bigger, bigger than you

12. The screen door slams, Mary's dress waves...

13. She's a rebel.... (guessed by cmc42 )

14. Chimney falls and lovers blaze...

15. The barrio starts two streets over..

16. For once I want to be the car crash

17. Tonight was just great she taught us the sign for peace

18. You cannot quit me so quickly.

19. As soon as you're born they make you feel small

20. Before electric lights you paddled through the soup of darkness as a crocodile...

songs, rl=meh, meme, blah

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