Jul 27, 2011 15:51
There is a professor at my university named Bryan Kinney (not Brian, but close!) who teaches Criminal Justice. ♥
Considering Gale Harolds just played a Law prof in Hellcats I am super amused, and very tempted to take a class.
Aside from that though, I have totally screwed myself over for scheduling courses since I don't have an ample amount of credits, which is what gives you the best times for enrollment. My date was today, and almost everything is taken / closed.
Not even waitlisted.
SO. MUCH. RAAAAAAAGE. I can't even take more courses and try to balance everything out, because I'm taking this one course. Which basically repeatedly punches you in the face if you're not dedicating your soul to it. :C
So. Taking 4 courses is already too much.
BRB sobbing hard. /hasnogoodstudyhabits /goingtodie /alreadyfailedacoursethatresultedinlesscredits /ohgodwhywhy
this is going to be one of those things,
crack is not just a drug,
fuuuuuuu ihu