(no subject)

Jun 25, 2005 23:45

Title-Happy Birthday

“Happy Birthday” His voice was sleepy and his hands skimmed along my form through the blankets.
I groaned and stretched, wispy dreams still clung to my consciousness. I wiggled my toes and slowly turned to him, “Morning,” Pillow marks left red streaks against his right cheek and I smiled, “Happy Birthday”.
He lifted the covers and to slide into bed with me and I shivered as he let all the warm air out.
“Come ‘ere,” he pressed against me and held me close, “Lemme get warm”.
He pushed his forehead to mine and curled his toes against the tops of my feet. I sighed, happy, “What time is it?”
“About 7” He yawned and pulled the covers up to our chins.
I listened, waiting until his breathing started to slow and even out. He always woke up before me, so the only time I could watch him sleep was just as he dropped off. His face would become relaxed and his mouth would open just a little bit. I always watched him fall asleep. He always watched me wake up.

We napped for awhile, together like that. I don’t know what woke him up, maybe the sounds of the house, of mom making breakfast down stairs or of Sarah playing music in her room. But I do know what woke me up. I felt him shifting around, then his tongue licking softly at my lower lip. Not forceful or impatient, or even expectant in some way, it was just him, exactly him; sensual, intimate, and forward. It was, without a doubt, the most perfect way to wake up. Without opening my eyes, I licked him back, tentative and sleepy. I could feel him smile as he kissed me properly. I know that I tasted like morning, but it didn’t matter. He did too. It was a perfect imperfection. He moved closer to me, lapping at my mouth again, trying to deepen the kiss. I smiled and bit at his lower lip before kissing him again. I sucked at his tongue playfully, something he adored.
He broke the kiss, grinning wolfishly, “Frisky?”
I reached down and curled my fingers around the waistband of his boxers, “It is our birthday after all”
He laughed quietly, “We’re gunna have to make it quick”. He was hesitant, I could tell.
I tugged at his boxers and pressed my thumb against his hip bone, “I think I can manage that”
He swallowed thickly and his eyes began to dilate just a bit, “And quiet…”
Whatever resolve he possessed was melting quickly. So I leaned over and whispered against his ear, “I’ll be quiet as a church mouse,” I could feel his breathing start to pick up, “And if I make any noise, I promise you can make me pay for it later” I flickered my tongue against the delicate cartilage of his ear. I knew how to push all of his buttons.

His hand pressed against my shoulder, pushing me over to my back and against the bed. There was a flush on his cheeks already and he was still smiling, “Well, if you’re going to twist my arm…”
I laughed and reached under the bed for our box, “Since when have I had to twist anything?”
He took the box from me and gazed down at the contents, “I wanna use the self warming stuff, but it smells funny”
I wriggled against him, trying to hurry his decision, “We could take a shower afterwards”
His eyes lit up and he looked down at me, “Shower sex?”
Shaking my head, I made a face, “I don’t want to work that hard”
This only made him laugh and did nothing to speed things along “What?”
I rolled my eyes and gestured generally with my hands, “You know, trying to keep from slipping all over the place. We need to get one of those mat things”
He just shrugged and pulled the blue bottle out, setting the box on the nightstand. I tapped my fingers against my chest while I waited. A moment later, he leaned down and kissed my slowly. He pushed my hands away from my chest and replaced them with his own. His fingertips skimmed down to my belly and kneaded the skin there. His other hand slid up my thighs, pulled my knees apart and pressed his palm under my boxers against the skin just below my groin. I moaned against his lips; he knew just how to push all of my buttons too.

I reached out, pressed my hands against the dimples in his lower back and slid my fingers under the band of his boxers, but hooked my thumbs over the material. As I pulled them down, I squeezed his ass. It was birthday-sex not we-have-to-move-again-sex so I wanted to be playful. I pushed his boxers down as far as I could then abandoned them. He could kick them off easily from where they were. But he was being slow, taking his time even after warning me that we needed to be quick. His hand on my belly kept rubbing, lightly tracing patterns with his fingernails just below my bellybutton. I moaned softly again and pushed my hips up against his hands impatiently. He smiled and stopped kissing me. Instead, he leaned down and licked my stomach. He kissed it, sucked the skin there until it bloomed red and hot under his mouth.
“Ah…oh…” I wet my lips and grabbed fistfuls of his hair. He knew, knew exactly what he was doing.
“Quiet as a church mouse, remember?” His voice was low, gravely and he spoke right against my skin.
Shots of pleasure wound through me, made my hips twist and my knees draw up.
“C-come on…” I pulled his hair hard, trying to draw him up my body, “We, we don’t h-have time…”. I was right and he knew it. He kissed my stomach once more before moving to pull my boxers off completely then wriggled out of his own.

“Sorry”, he murmured as he moved, settling between my knees.
I kissed him softly and held his face in my hands, “No, no. I liked it. We just don’t have time now”. I kissed him again, “Later, ok? Tonight”
He shrugged and I could see he was upset, maybe a little hurt, “We won’t really have time then, either”
“Yeah we will. I haven’t given you your birthday present yet”
He looked at me disbelieving, “What, you got us two hours home alone?”
I grinned wolfishly, “Nope,” I leaned up to whisper against his ear again, “A hotel room”. Immediately, I settled back against the pillow, smug.
He started at me for a long moment, “No way”.
I just nodded.
He began to smile, huge and toothy, enough to make his cheeks red. Leaning forward, he kissed me hard over and over, “Really?”
I just laughed and hugged him tightly, “Yeah, really. Happy Birthday”

There was a knock on the door, sudden and sharp. We held each other tightly, neither of us dared to breath.
“Boys?” It was mom, “Are you up yet? It’s almost time for breakfast”
I had a shocking, intense vision of her opening the door, finding us curled there together. In my mind I saw her separating us, sending one of us away, trying to keep us apart. As hard as everything had been those past few months, I don’t know if either of us could have withstood the separation. I began to tremble just a bit.
“We’re just talking, Mom. Guy stuff. I, um, just need Joel right now for a few minutes” Thank God he was able to find his voice.
“Oh, ok. Just come down when you’re finished”
“We will”.

We both listened to her walk away. I pulled him down, close to me and wrapped my arms around his neck. The trembling subsided as quickly as it began.
“Shhh, it’s ok” He rubbed his hands up and down my sides.
“Sorry,” I shook my head a little, “I just panicked…”
He nodded, “S’ok,” His voice was soft and understanding, “It’s happened to both of us Besides,” he kissed me slowly, “I gotcha all keyed up!”
I smiled, “You pretty much always do”
He leaned down, pressed me back against the bed and kissed my lower lip, “Gunna take advantage of that now” He pushed his hips against mine. I swallowed a moan. He was hard, the crown slick with precum. “Gunna take advantage of you…”
I grinned and pressed up against him, rolling my hips, “Then get on with it!”.
He laughed and waggled his eyebrows. We both knew how terrible we were at pillow talk.

A moment later, I felt his slicked fingers searching against me. They brushed the bottom of my cock, skimmed past my balls and pressed momentarily against my perineum. I bucked up unexpectedly against him, my breath catching in my throat.
“Maybe you’re more keyed up than I thought you were”
I reached up, ran my fingers through his hair and pulled playfully, “Come on“
He laughed a little, but kept going. We both knew that we had only a short while now. Mom would be back soon to check on us again.

His fingers found my entrance and pressed inside of me. We had been together for a long time, knew each others bodies well. He didn’t have to ask to know that he wasn’t rushing me, that I was ok. He moved inside of me deliberately, pushing just shy of my prostate. He was right, I was keyed up. And I wanted him, not his fingers. I twisted with him, pressing down against him, moving my hips with his hand. He smiled and watched my eyes. Slowly, my cheeks began to get hot and I had to look away for a moment.
“What?” I smiled almost shyly and looked back up at him.
“Nothing”, he shook his head but kept staring.
“You’re looking at me f-”, I gasped softly and shut my eyes as he added another finger.
His other hand moved from my hip to touch my cheek very softly, “You just look really free right now”
I opened my eyes, “It’s you,” I moaned softly again and moved my head against the pillow, “Now. Now please”
I listened as his breath hitched the slightest bit and my hands moved from his hair to his shoulders. I pulled him flush against me, ran my hands up and down his back before pulling him close. He buried his face against my shoulder to muffle his moans as he pressed in to me. I clenched my teeth then bit the inside of my cheek. No noise was no easy task. And he felt wonderful. His chest expanded and contracted against mine, his belly pressing against my cock. His body was taught, thrumming with strength and focus. He was still for a moment, let me adjust to him.

After a few breaths, I nodded, pushed my face against his ear and whispered, “Come on, make me wanna be noisy”. I lifted my hips to his, ground against him, grinning.
He moaned against my shoulder again, biting it. I squeezed his hips with my legs as he rocked forward. The rhythm was immediate and steady. He pushed down against me, kept his face pressed against my shoulder and bit incessantly rather than moaning. Each bite hurt, but felt amazing all at once. Each a testament of how I made him feel. They would bruise later, each a thrilling proof of our secret. I was proud of every single one. I kept my head down too, against his ear, kept whispering to him, licking and sucking at the skin there. Somebody kept moaning, soft and feathery and it took a moment to realize it was me. He began to thrust deeper inside of me, hitting my prostate again and again. He bore his body down against mine, held my hips in both of his hands. His belly brushed against my cock over and over and my muscles in my stomach and thighs began to flutter. He started to grunt and I tangled my fingers in his hair, held on for dear life.
We were losing control together and there was no better feeling in the world.
One hand left my hip, moved to my belly. He pressed against it and pushed deep inside of me, staying still for a moment, “Feel it?” His voice was barely a whisper, “I’m there, inside of you…” He lifted his head to look at me.
My eyes were wide, my mouth open. I tried to speak, to tell him that yes, I could feel him, that he felt wonderful. But he was butted up, pressing down against my prostate and my world was melting. I started to mewl and shake under him. I tried to nod, but my back bowed up, and I was gasping for breath. He kissed me hard, muffled my noises with his mouth. My hips bucked and jerked, but he kept rubbing my belly. Then everything seemed to explode all at once.

I clutched him tightly against me, tried to cry out, but he was still kissing me. I shook as I came, clawed at him and pulled his hair. My world had narrowed to him alone. He was all I could see, feel, hear, and taste. At the same time, I felt him let go of himself. He pushed into me wildly, deeply. He made almost no noise, but recited my name silently over and over again against my lips. He held his breath as he went over, then collapsed against me. We stayed like that, quietly catching our breath together. Our hands woke up before the rest of us, marked slow trails along each other’s skin.
He lifted his head from my chest to look at me, “Happy Birthday”
I smiled sleepily, “Happy Birthday”. I kissed him gently, “I love you”
He blushed just the slightest, though he would never admit it, “I love you too”.

He yawned and stretched on top of me, “Come on, we’d better get moving. Mom’s going to think we’ve got dirty magazines up here”
I laughed because he was right. Mom’s fears were completely off the mark. We did like magazines, but only for new ideas. We both slunk out of bed and headed for the bathroom to clean up. Half way there, he smacked my ass.
“What was that for?”
He shrugged, “You got a nice ass”
I made a face, “It’s exactly the same as yours”
He grinned wickedly, “I know!”
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