(no subject)

Jun 25, 2005 23:11


Joel had never stopped to watch a sunrise. Usually, if he was up early enough to see one, he had either been up all night drinking and partying with friends, or he had to wake up to catch a plane. Neither situation left him particularly inclined to appreciate something that so obviously happened every single day of his life. But seeing it now, Joel realized it was something like breathing. He never really appreciated a breath unless he had gone too long since the last one, unless something had happened that forced him to see it. And this time, something made him want to see the sun.

Billy was not a morning person. He liked to burrow under the covers and pretend that the day didn't start until the sun was already high in the sky. Twice before he had watched the sun come up, but both times he had cursed it's coming. Once was after Max broke up with him years ago when he was in high school. The older boy had broken his heart. The single other incidence was when he was even younger, the day he found out his parents were getting a divorce. Of course, that's not what they had called it, (they said things like 'separation' and ‘vacation from each other'), but even then he had known it for what it was. Both times before, he had tried to will the sun from the sky. If only it didn't come up, then everything that had happened the day before wouldn't be real. He wanted to reverse the day, to take back everything that had come undone in his hands. But this time was different. This time, he didn't want to change a thing.

Joel shifted against him a bit and he smiled, softly kissed Joel's temple and murmured, "Sleepy yet?"
Joel sighed softly, happily and shook his head, "Not yet"
They were wrapped up together in the blankets from their bed, sitting out on the porch of their Honeymoon suit. It was on the top floor facing the ocean. The sun came up over the water. Light reflecting off of the waves looked like little pieces of the sun left in the ocean and dripping off around it. They shimmered in the currents, swirled, then washed up glimmering along the beach. Joel relaxed back against Billy's chest and pulled the blankets around him more snuggly. His body still tingled from the hours before and happy memories swirled in his brain. He remembered the way that Josh kept coming up and hugging him, the look on his mother's face during the ceremony, the way that Benji didn't bother blinking back tears as he gave his brother away. He remembered the way that Tony demanded a dance and suddenly said some very un-Tony things, sweet things about how good it was to see two people so in love. The way that Billy held him while they danced and whispered in his ear, "This is the best day of my life...", then kissed him in front of everybody.

Billy rubbed Joel’s belly slowly, relishing the way that he could hold him now. The night before had been their first. Billy had been with other people before, but Joel wanted to wait until his wedding day. It was something Billy had always admired about Joel. After the reception was over and the guests had all left for their rooms, Billy and Joel had come upstairs. They took their time together, explored each others bodies slowly, kissed languidly under the cool hotel sheets. Without intending to, they had made love all night long. Although the act in and of itself had not taken the 5 hours between the time they arrived in the suit and dawn, the kisses, whispers, and gentle touches did.

Joel was still shivering and getting his breath back when he noticed the streaks of gold in the sky outside of their window. “Billy…” His voice was breathy and soft, still low with lust and delicate.
Billy followed his lovers gaze, “Our first sunrise together… married”
They had gathered all the blankets from the bed and settled into one of the chaise lounges on the private patio together, Joel resting against Billy’s narrow chest.

The sun slowly climbed higher into the sky and sunrise melted into day.
“It was so beautiful” Joel took Billy’s hand under the blankets.
“I know” Billy’s voice was graveled, sleepy, and very content.
“I don’t want it to ever end”
Billy kissed his shoulder, “It won’t”
Joel smiled, knowing without needing to be told that Billy wasn’t talking about the sunrise, “I love you”
It had been said a hundred times that night already and would be said again thousands of times more, “I love you too”.
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