it is another hello heard around the world

Nov 11, 2013 14:25

Geez, my LJ is becoming a grave-yard, holy shit.
I should maybe apologize for not being around here so often anymore, but the thing is ... I don't particularly feel bad for moving on.

So I spend a lot of time on tumblr and I'm also currently writing nano (yes, first time participating and if I may say so: I'm killing it :D Almost 25k in 11 days, booya!), which I think is helping a lot with keeping my separation-anxieties at bay.
The competition and the fact that I have to be done until November 30th is really helping me to write. Who would have thought?
I'm actually enjoying it quite a lot because I just write without editing or rewriting and this way I get quite a lot on paper. Sure, I'll have to use the entire December to edit the shitty stuff out but right now I don't really care about that.

Either way, tumblr.
I came to realize something after a discussion I had with someone on there:
There are no structures.
I may be old, but I do remember how fandom took its first steps on the internet: mailing-lists, forums, etc.
There were administrators, clear rules as to how to act around other people in fandom. There were consequences for bashing and being an asshate.
Tumblr doesn't have that. There is no hierachy (which, okay, I'm really a fan of most BNF's but they had their uses too), no order, no rules as to what goes and what doesn't.
Tumblr is awesome because it is so visual and let's be honest, fandom THRIVES on visuality. It's the absolut best way for us to express ourselves and the ways to do so are endless. Tumblr has no barriers and in some ways, that is really really cool.
In other's, it isn't.
One can use tumblr to hate on people, to bash and bully. And I was kind of hoping online communities would get away from that, instead of closer.
Sure, tumblr has it's very own community and I feel at home there, because it's all people like me.
But the fact that it is so visual also has it's downsides. There is no real, word-based communication possible anymore.
In that, LJ is still a lot better.

So here, have a rant about tumblr and LJ ;D
As a side-comment: I'm now so home-sick, I'm actually missing my manga. Could also be that re-reading "Haru wo Daite ita" brought that on because maaaaan, do I love that manga.

berlin, manga, personal, life, tumblr, thoughts

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