Title: Kiss
koheePairing: One-sided Nagasawa Masami x Takizawa Hideaki + Iwase Ken x Yoshida Rei
Summary: 300-word drabble: Masami wonders about feelings, on-screen kisses, Takizawa and Yamashita.
Genre: Romance/Slight Angst
Rating: PG
Author's Note: I am in a weird mood after watching the Proposal Daisakusen SP and the Kurosagi movie, my apologies. Also I don't claim to be able to write and I have not written for a very long time. Also note very minute spoilers for the Proposal Daisakusen SP.
Masami wonders if she is supposed to feel something from an on-screen kiss.
She wouldn't classify herself as completely inexperienced, but when Takizawa-san kissed her, it was unlike anything that she had ever felt before, at least, not in the exact mix of feelings. The kiss was brief, short (it was barely 10 seconds), but she had felt a tingle, a spark of happiness and a genuine smile forming on her face when they parted. She remembered feeling slightly embarrassed, but she still wanted to say more to him, as Masami and Takizawa, not Juri and Hiromichi, but he got up as soon as the cameras stopped rolling, patted her on the shoulder and said he was glad to be working with her, and that was it, he left before she could even mention anything. She shrugged it off, for there wasn't anything else she could really do, but at the same time, she blushed when he held her hand for the next scene. She didn't really understand why she found it hard to separate film and reality, it had never happened before.
It was different when Yamashita-san kissed her; she felt nothing when his lips brushed against hers, she felt nothing when he held her close, her heart didn't beat a little faster with his arms around her, for she clearly knew and understood that it was acting and characters, it was Kenzo and Rei, not Masami and Yamashita, and the cameras were rolling and it was just for television, movies and not real life.
She then wonders if she had (or has) a crush on Takizawa-san and it sort of hurts her head to think about it because she is aware enough to know that is hopeless to hope because it could never be.
Title: Strange
koheePairing: Yamashita Tomohisa x Horikita Maki
Summary: 300-word drabble: Yamapi has strange thoughts and does strange things sometimes.
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Author's Note: See above drabble. Note minute spoilers for the Kurosagi movie for this one.
Yamapi thinks it is strange when he feels disappointed upon receiving the Kurosagi movie script and finding out that there is no closure between Kurosaki and Tsurara's relationship. He also finds it strange that he laments to Jin about how it is unfair that Kurosaki and Tsurara is still engaged in the maybe/maybe-not dance, while Ken and Rei have their happy ending (Jin, of course, just rolls his eyes and tells Yamapi to get out more and get a life).
Yamapi thinks it is strange that, when filming Kurosagi, his eyes were constantly flitting around the set, looking for Maki, hoping to see Maki, and hoping that she will see him, smile at him, come over and sit next to him. Sometimes she sees him, and waves to him, but she doesn't always approach him.
(Yamapi thinks he is strange, and stupid, that he didn't take the step to approach her)
Yamapi thinks it is strange that, when filming a scene, he let Yamapi escaped from Kurosaki. It was the scene where Kurosaki had Tsurara backed against the wall, and looking at Maki, as Tsurara, was staring back at him with wide-eye fear and surprise. Yamapi had this sudden urge to just lean down and kiss her hard, instead of looking away and scoffing as Kurosaki was supposed do, and it took all his self-control and acting skills to remain in Kurosaki's character, to turn away from her.
Yamapi thinks it is strange, and unusual, that he acts before he thinks, on a day after filming where he grabbed Maki by her shoulders, drew her close, bent down and kissed her squarely on the mouth, kissed her like how Kurosaki never kissed Tsurara (stupid Kurosaki).
Yamapi thinks it isn't so strange that he is in love.
Criticism, plz?