Ultimate Icon Challenge Submission Post - anime_abc

Jul 05, 2007 23:54

Here are 26 icons made for anime_abc!
My theme anime is Bleach, and I focused even more by trying to find various interesting or rare items from the world. Hope it's interesting - Enjoy! ^.^
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A rmband (text: Abandon Duty)

B utterfly (text: bitter nectar)

C ell phone

D rawing

E nraku (Orihime's Teddy bear)

F ace

G lasses

H at

I ntruder alarm

J uice box

K ioku chikan (memory replacement)

L eek (text: leek, butter, banana, jelly, dinner)

M asaki memorial picture

N ametag

O ffering for the dead

P arakeet

Q uincy

R ibbon

S pray paint

T elephone pole

U mbrella

V ictorian dress

W atermelon

X (arms crossed like an 'x')

Y in-Yang (Shinigami are the balancers of souls in the world, following this principal. The Quincy cause unbalance.)

Z angetsu

(no icon)

bleach, icon

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