Cheesecake Cupcakes

Jan 21, 2010 10:52

We made some. It was AMAZING. But I ended up eating seven of the fifteen. HELLO, WEIGHT GAIN. D; But yeah. They were so. Good. Got the recipe from here.

Anyway, I've got some Butter Cookies for the picnic this weekend (which, by the way, is BUSY AS HELL.) and it'll be quite a bit more stressful than usual (think: two breakdowns instead of one) because Kassey won't be there until an hour-hour and a half after it starts. And the girl I like won't be there this time most likely. She never really is. /sob

So, I joined this site a few days ago. It's SO FUN. You, like, breed these cats, right? To get the mutations and/or stats you want. AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY! 8D. You get a starter and everything. It's really cool. You (If you exist?) should join. :3

picnic, mweor, cooking

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