One of many.

Dec 13, 2009 19:47

Choose ten of your OCs, then answer the questions.

1) Sacha - Second oldest known sentient being, Renau's closest friend.
2) Renau - Oldest sentient being, 'king' of the Yakoi and, in the opinion of many, the Lanx.
3) Jaznap - Sacha's confidante and lover, father of Mertos.
4) Ishmala - Renau's aeternus, mother of Mertos, Bella, Carus, Clypeus and Primoris.
5) Dreagon - Oldest of the Lanx, Dragon Lord, Saika's aeternus.
6) Kartyaza - Old, old dragon, in Renau's trust. Kind of.
7) Hans - Renau's messenger and friend.
8) Bellator - Ishmala and Renau's daughter and Saika's mother.
9) Mertos - Ishmala and Jaznap's son.
10) Spirhel - Saika's father, Bellator's aeternus.

1. Ishmala invites Jaznap and Bellator to dinner at their house. What happens?
They'd have a good time, catch up a bit. Jazz doesn't see 'little Bella' that often any more, so he'd have fun, and Bellator likes to hang out with her 'uncle'. However, Jaznap would have to cook, because Ishmala just can't. :(

2. Mertos tries to get Dreagon to go to a strip club. What happens?
Dreagon would just sit at a table and watch Mertos have fun (while plotting his death.) - he's too genteel to be in a strip club. xD

3. You need to stay at a friend's house for a night. Who do you choose: Sacha or Kartyaza?
Hmm. Have Sacha rip my face off for invading his privacy, or Kartyaza eat me. Nice choice. :/

4. Renau and Hans are making out. Spirhel walks in. What is their reaction?
Spirhel: But.... I thought you were straight. D: And, you know.... married.

5. Jaznap falls in love with Kartyaza. Bellator is jealous. What happens?
She'd beat up Jaznap and take Kartyaza for herself. Of course, she'd have to dump Spirhel first. And risk getting eaten.

6. Ishmala jumps you in a dark alleyway. Who comes to your rescue: Spirhel, Renau, or Hans?
None of them. First, it's Ishmala we're talking about. Renau would think I deserved it, being human and all, and Hans would agree. Spirhel's afraid of Ishmala. D:

7. Sacha decides to start a cooking show. Fifteen minutes later, what is happening?
Jazz is cooking because Sacha skipped out. Sacha cannot cook to save his life.

8. Jaznap has to marry either Bellator, Ishmala, or Mertos. Whom do they choose?
Mertos is his son, and Bellator is like a daughter to him. He'd marry Ishmala - they already had a thing for each other, anyway, with Mertos and all. But they'd have to kill Renau, which Sacha would foresee, and kill them both before they get to his liege.

9. Hans kidnaps Renau and demands something from Dreagon for Renau's release. What is it?
Cookies. Hans loves cookies. But Dreagon wouldn't give up the ransom - he hates rather dislikes Renau. (You know, not that Hans would actually kidnap Renau.)

10. Everyone gangs up on Jaznap. Does Jaz have a chance in hell?
Nope. I'd give him about fifteen seconds, if that.

11. Everyone is invited to Renau and Spirhel's wedding except for Bellator. How do they react?
First, she'd see that she's not invited to her father's wedding and be livid. Then she'd realize who he's getting married to.

12. Why is Kartyaza afraid of Hans?
I think it's backwards. Hans is the size of Kartyaza's smallest tooth. D: Kart has nothing to fear.

13. Sacha arrives late for Renau and Spirhel's wedding. What happens, and why were they late?
The wedding is called off, ans Sacha would be intentionally late, because, unlike himself, Renau is not gay.

14. Dreagon and Mertos get roaring drunk and end up at your house. What happens?
They'd enjoy my lack of food, I'm sure. /hungry

15. Jaznap murders Renau's best friend. What does Renau do to get back at them?
Renau would kill Jazz - after all, he's Mertos' dad and, now that Sacha's dead, he's no longer needed. |D

16. Kartyaza and Sacha are in mortal peril and only one of them can survive. Does Kartyaza save themself or Sacha?
Kartyaza would kill Sacha and then save himself eat whatever was after them. Yeah, twisted, I know.

17. Bellator and Jaznap go camping. For some reason they forgot to bring along any food. What do they do?
Go hunting. |D

18. Dreagon is in a car crash and is critically injured. What does Mertos do?
Laugh. Hard.


meme, yakoi, lanx, ocs

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