girlboymusic and I were carrying a heavy desk-chair across the street, and she was in the lead, except to carry it she had to face backwards, so couldn't see where we were going. We'd built up a good head of steam and we'd gotten across the street and she wasn't slowing down; we were about to crash into the closed door of a building, and I kept yelling warnings, but she didn't seem to hear. Fortunately she finally stopped, just inches away. We were now within a covered porch, apparently of a church, since congregants were streaming onto the porch, all male and all black, wearing gaudy robes, as if they were bishops and cardinals and such, the type of robe indicating they were members of the Abyssinian Greek Orthodox Church. One of them said to us, "The topic of today's sermon will be 'Dominance Versus The Stand-In-Feebish Mode.'" I tried not to burst out laughing, as I didn't want to be rude. Then
girlboymusic and some guy we knew were carrying the desk-chair up another street that was perpendicular to the one we'd originally crossed. I was a few paces behind them and was now laughing quite freely, but neither
girlboymusic nor the guy were, though I didn't understand why not. I thought to myself. "The man said, 'stand-in-feebish mode.' Why don't they find this funny?"