Dec 25, 2009 11:09
I find it horribly amusing that I bought Laura the new Album from Lady Gaga for Christmas.
And she got it for me.
I find it horribly amusing that she got me the Tudors, Season 3.
And I got it for her.
Very Amusing indeed. It was a good Christmas. We had a little tree, had presents and had good laughs. There have been worse years, to be very clear. This was a hard year, but its a year of moving forward.
I love to plan. I make plans for lots of things. For my life, for my shoes, for a trip to the store, for this or that. And to me, those plans are very important. They are not so important to other folk. I recognize and try to respect that.
It's always been a frustration to have Laura say 'Lets go to the store. I need X Y and Z, it will be quick!" And then have it turn in to a full on shopping trip when I plan for running in, grabbing X Y and Z, and then getting the hell out. To be fair, she's gotten loads better about that, because she knows I turn right in to a crankypants when she does it.
Mission Creep, where the plan is constantly added to, eventually ends up to a point where the initial mission, the one you set out to achieve... never happens. It gets buried under the ever shifting requirements of all the creep factors.
Sticking to plans for me is very important. It helps me control my world, it helps me break my world in to bite sized components I can outline, study then execute. It helps me overcome my impulse and regiments me. It helps me cope with a world that is hard to cope with.
As a boy, 'planning' was never a consideration. Promises made even in solemn vow, were constantly cast aside and mission creep was a daily fact of life. A purely impulse driven life. I don't want that. I can't have that. I need consistency and the ability to adhere to a plan once set.
It's very frustrating.