Mar 24, 2004 11:52
Music: "Put on a happy face" is in my head at the moment
I rented Breakfast at Tiffany's recently, and I loved it. I was thinking about it today because I have a case of the Mean Reds...when you're scared and panicky and not sure why. I think it has something to do with having to look for at least one new job, maybe two. I have had three periods of unemployment this past year and they were filled with depression, worry and panic. I have a better feeling about this time, though. I have been handling stress much more effectively recently and I have a distinct feeling that everything will be alright on the job front.
So why the Mean Reds? Maybe it's because I know I am leaving Richmond in just a few months. I have never loved living here, but it is easy, and safe. I know everyone and I have my favorite video store and I know the tellers at the bank. All my friends are based in Richmond. I know I have to get out, but the thought of moving to a huge city where I know nobody is a frightening one. I have been trying to mentally prepare myself for it, but part of me is shaking deep inside. It really helps to know that at least I will have my cat with me.
I need to calm down. Deep breaths, good thoughts, trusting that everything will work out.