I hate handling paperwork

Mar 23, 2006 23:04

CSULA, why are you so damn slow with processing degrees?

So when my grades were posted yesterday, I immediately visited the school to check on my pending bachelor's degree. I'm seriously in need of some financial aid and the only reason I'm not receiving any is because of the graduation department being a slow ass sloth. Of course, there's no way of speeding up the process and as I wait here, financial aid funds are being distributed to those who are more fortunate, leaving me with nothing and much to worry about. They're making me wait and there's a possiblity that my degree won't be posted till the END of spring quarter! Now the paperwork says that I'll be graduating in WINTER quarter NOT spring quarter. What the hell are they doing?

From what I've learned, there are only four people handling the whole school's paperwork dealing with graduation and entrance applications. Now why aren't there more than four people?

So I sit here worried and unable to do much else but wait. Seriously though, if they don't fucking post my degree in May (deadline is June for financial aid), I'm going to fucking pop. I'm already at my witt's end here. Why aren't they doing their job in an efficient manner? They force people out of their school because they can't get applications processed in a timely manner. Students are left with little information as to why their application is being held in limbo and little help is offered to ease the worry of these students.

They suck really bad. But I can't help but attend there, it's cheap and affordable, despite the three tuition raises over the past three years.

I'm hoping for the best here. Hope can only take me so far though.

So much to worry about...

I hate it when things always never go right from square one.

There's a good chance I'll have to juggle two jobs just to pay off my credit card that has my tuition fee on it LOL. INTEREST HURTS. I just hope I can hold onto two jobs...

Of course I'm also applying for scholarships. I need every single bit of cash I can accrue. It's the only way...

Ah shit, I hate the hole I'm stuck in.
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