Short Version: There will be a Lunar Eclipse.
Long Version:
There will be a Lunar Eclipse in the earliest, after-midnight, before-dawn morning of August 28th.
On Eclipse Moons:
"During a total lunar eclipse the Moon never completely disappears but always turns some unpredictable shade of reddish orange and that's because the red rays of sunlight are always bent by our Earth's atmosphere into our Earth's shadow, filling it with a faint reddish orange light. So during a total lunar eclipse the reddish orange Moon color you see is actually light from all the sunrises and sunsets around the world being refracted, that is bent, into our Earth's shadow and onto the Moon and then reflected back again. And that's what you'll see Tuesday morning between midnight and dawn." --
Jack Horkheimer He also mentioned that it could vary between bright orange and blood red, but you couldn't predict BEFORE the eclipse.
Google Earth has been given a celestial view. Therefore I have downloaded it for the first time.
Today, I made a new tag specifically for astronomy. (I wish I'd noted the Blue Moon, though, on June 30th... the next one is in 2009!)