I wanna slap Keito...

Aug 01, 2013 15:20

Ugh...this photo leak has gotten me in the worst mood ever lol
My freakin room is surrounded by JUMP photos and every time I see Keito on my posters, I wanna slap the poster lol

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kodochalover August 2 2013, 10:11:08 UTC
I wonder if Keito knows how hurt we're all feeling about this...of course, i know we're supposed to somehow feel happy for him, but we've known him as JUMP's Keito with NO girlfriend for so long...having this new person with him all of a sudden is just hard to accept x.x

You and I have had JUMP deeply embedded into our lives and that's why this hurts us the most. Sadly a lot of fans don't feel the same way and thus they don't understand us x.x
I just want them all to understand that it's indeed, heart breaking to hear "Support keito" and "they're so cute" blah blah blah blah.

I don't blame them for loving each other, it's just that.... some JUMP fans annoys me, saying "oh~ it's okay, it's not my bias anyways." stuff like that boils me to the max! I know, I know, it's Keito! and it's not Yamada, or Chinen or Yuto... but please, I wish them to have some consideration!
if it's Yamada (I'm not pointing something here that is bad okay?) all the fans were going to rant and screw all they want!
but it's just not fair!

YES! Right here! You got it. People supporting them right off the bat, a lot of them just don't care about Keito so much so they're not affected like we are. It's so obvious that once the more popular members get a gf then that's when they're going to snap. I just wish they were more considerate.

but can't they find someone who is not in the entertainment industry? this fact breaks my heart all the more, that she is an actress, I feel like normal people or fans don't have hope..

it's like throwing at our faces that us normal folk can't have them x.x
it is really heart breaking T^T and since we don't live in the same country either, it makes it even more impossible for us...all us simple fans can do is get through this one on our own and hope that eventually we don't feel as bad anymore :/

I hope we all feel better soon!


dawiejump10 August 2 2013, 13:44:59 UTC
I'm kind of Chill about this issue for now... saying "hey! I'm okay! I'm cool in this." and "really?! he had a Girlfriend?!"

because it makes me sad(er) if I think about it. hmmm....

yeps... it's true that fans are in a "possessive" factor, it's like "taking-away-your-own-child" ... I'll cool down first and hibernate from Keito Fandom.. but still active in JUMP as a whole!

I was just slapped when I watched Keito's "I LOVE YOU" in his concert! LOL! it freaking HURTS! damn! <(>w<)>


kodochalover August 8 2013, 09:20:53 UTC
after some re-thnking, i've definitely calmed down too x.x
still pretty sad though xD

ughhh it hurts too for me D: i cant believe his "i love you"'s for now D: i mean, i'm sure he loves his fans but right now its tough xD


dawiejump10 August 8 2013, 14:07:18 UTC
ahaha! yeps! I'm okay with this issue already! I'm back! though he's not my ichiban... >o<

well.... this issue is messed up! especially the BASHES of the FANS!

in my quotation: "THEIR NOT VIRGIN!" can't they find something MORE meaningful than that? I mean... it's so lame... haha! how do they know they're not a virgin? did they see them do it?
HECK that's really scary if they saw them do it! being an IDOL is TOUGH huh? even doing it, FANS can see it!

CREEP me to the BONES! but made me LAUGH SO HARD! hahaha!!!


kodochalover August 9 2013, 03:59:06 UTC
They wish they saw LOL freakin creeps.
Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if they have done it. They're both 20 years old so it would be natural xD
But it's not these's creep's business to figure it out for sure


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