I wanna slap Keito...

Aug 01, 2013 15:20

Ugh...this photo leak has gotten me in the worst mood ever lol
My freakin room is surrounded by JUMP photos and every time I see Keito on my posters, I wanna slap the poster lol

I know what people are saying, "Be happy for them", "They're so cute together" blah blah blah.
But I'm pretty damn sure that it's hard for A LOT of fans to have that as a 1st reaction. At least I sure as hell didn't. I feel hurt, depressed, I cried a bit lol i feel sluggish xD all because of Keito x.x

I know eventually I'm going to have to accept it and wish them the best, but its hard right now.
I grew up with JUMP x.x and I feel more connected with the 7 members because we're the same age. Ever since we were 14 lol long time fan. I guess to me this feels like I just found out that a boy in class that i've had a long crush on has a gf. That shit hurts lol I've had that happen before in real life. But that's how close I feel to 7 due to the same ages and how long I've followed JUMP. Can't even listen to or watch JUMP for now too x.x
Another reason why it hurts is because to me, JUMP is a huge part of my life. When I'm sad, I watch JUMP. When I'm happy, I watch JUMP. When I'm mad, I watch JUMP. When I'm stressed, you guessed it, JUMP.

Yeah, I'm being dramatic as f*ck. I don't care though, if this is how I feel then I'm not going to try to hide it or cover it up. If I'm going to get some sort of closure, then I'm going to have to deal with this now by letting what I feel out. I know eventually I'll be able to wish them happiness but for now, yes, I'm jealous and yes, i'm hurt lol

I know a lot of fans aren't making a huge deal out of this too cause they're probably thinking, "It's just Keito." but imagine if that was YAMADA on there. There's where you get the biggest uproar lol I'm pretty damn skippity SURE that the majority of the fans WOULD NOT be so supportive if that was the situation lol

Sucks that the girl is an actress too though. ugh i wish they went out with normal girls. Would have made this situation slightly better for me xD She's so lucky x.x
Not gonna talk shit about her though, please let me make that clear, I'm not going to go and talk shit about her lol
She got Keito, GG NO REMATCH. Congrats. You gotta know when to back down.

Ugh but why are the less popular members in JUMP getting the open scandals? it pisses me off. I was hoping that we'd go on this summer without one similar to 2  years ago but it seems like we couldn't escape it lol

Thankfully, it doesn't seem like Keito will get kicked our or have something dramatic go down. AT LEAST, that's what it seems like right now.

Keito's NOT UGLY. Ya'll f*cking blind!

(pardon my ugly side that comes out when i get mad x.x)


(deleted the other gif since it was hella lagging my entry lol)

Man Keito....

messages from me to you~

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