Duet, May 2013 Arioka Daiki Translation

Apr 12, 2013 22:11

Here's Daiki's portion~^^
Extra: "Come On A My House" lyrics updated :3 --- HERE♥♪<-----

Arioka Daiki

Q:What time did you get up today?
9:15am. I wanted to leave my house 30 minutes earlier but when I woke up at 9, I stayed inside my futon and the time passed me by. It’s usually always like that. Oh well, it’s alright that way too. Well, If I get really serious about it, I can get ready in 5 minutes. By the way, today I remembered “There’s plenty of delicious things at Duet’s set♪” so I skipped breakfast.

Q:What was the first thing you did when you got up this morning?
I washed my face and got dressed.

Q: Are you good at waking up? Or Bad?
Bad. The other day when we were in Thailand, I had a hotel room all to myself. I thought “If I’m by myself, I definitely won’t be able to wake up on my own!”, so I went over to Yamada’s room and he let me sleep with him. Isn’t Yamada seriously great?!  The alarm clock went off at full power. The alarm went “Pi” and right away Yamada went “Pan!!” (the sound of the alarm going off and then the sound of Yamada turning it off”). Ah but recently I’ve been really into survival games. So I’m good at waking up on the days that I play it. In order to perfect my condition and have fun when I play survival games, the night before I fall asleep quickly.

Q: Bedding Obsession
The pillows have to be firm and well raised. I like it when the covers have a silky texture to them. They’re soft and fluffy like stuffed animals and they easily give me bed hair.

Q: The clothes you wear when you sleep
I sleep with sweats on and my sleeping posture is usually in a shape of the kanji "大” (legs spread out, arms out wide). After talking about the way I sleep, the actual definition for this kanji might actually drop. One time when I slept beside Keito, as I was turning over, I went towards Keito and I bumped into him. I ended up waking him up. At that moment, the two of us opened our eyes and I said “ah, sorry” and he said “No…it’s ok” and we both went back to sleep (laughs)

Q: Something new you started recently
From the start, my skin has always been somewhat dry but recently it’s been even drier. So, when I rise from the bath, I apply face lotion with some cotton. Thanks to that, my skin’s condition is really great!

Q: What’s something you want to start from now on?
Leather craft.  Because I really like the material, it’d be nice if I could make something small.

Q: Something you’ve quit recently or want to quit
I want to quit oversleeping. I’m famous for being the “talkative character that’s always late”. I really want to give that up but it’s really hard to not mess up…(bitterly smiles)

Q: When you start something new, what do you keep in mind?
I boost up my motivation and in order to not prevent myself from doing nothing, I first start off by visualizing! I’d decide something like, “From tomorrow on I’m running!” then I buy shoes right away. That kind of thing. I’d probably end up thinking something like “If don’t end up using these, then it’d be a waste. So I have to properly run” right? After that, It’s also important for me to find someone to do it with.

Q: On April 13th, concerts will begin. What’s something you want to challenge?
We have members that are turning 20 years old throughout the tour, so I want to show the adult JUMP. I want to keep showing our child-like smiling faces but I also want to let our adult appeal and our cool-ness come out!


Owari~ :3
Chinen's next~

If you want to repost, please credit with "kodochalover@lj"

translation:duet, duet:may, translation:scan, arioka daiki, 2013

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