Nov 22, 2010 17:08
This is the only place I can say this so I will. What is it with arrogant people? They think they're always right, they know exactly what they're doing and that they're always the victims. Sheesh. They should listen to themselves more often. Me, I admit I'm narcissistic nowadays and that I have a lot of flaws. A whole lot of them. I never assume that I'm anywhere near perfect or that I'm a great person to be with. I may be frank to the point of rudeness at times but at least I know how to generally respect people. I don't treat people like trash, character assassinating them just because I don't like them. I don't fault find so much and when I do, I point out why it's wrong for the sake of improvement and not to embarrass. I don't try to change someone and just what I think of a concept. *sigh* I guess the biggest fault that I have is that I put up a front for everyone that most people don't seem to understand who I am and why I do things. I admit I have a lot of insecurities, and it's because of them that I try to be a better person. I don't like standing out because of them. I'm not envious of others in general and when I do, it's because they possess the good values I lack not because of their possessions.