Not Cool

Oct 17, 2012 14:19

I'm already moody and this simply makes me moodier. I occasionally read the Citypaper for Dan Savage and Tom Tommorrow's comics but something caught my eye.

"Anna Ditkoff's 'Murder Ink' (Mobtown Beat, Oct. 10) is chilling and disturbing. I read it weekly with a sense of disbelief and upset. I remind myself that these are my brothers and sisters in our city. This year to date, 170 have died. Madame Mayor: Where is your outrage at this loss of human life? Please speak to you city, with compassion, with leadership, and give us the sense that We are One in this." L. Kassal

There are several things I could tell right off the bat:
- White
- Middle Class or higher
- Transplant (Not native)
- Prolly supported Occupy and if so, handclap for refraining to use the word "Beautiful"

Y'see, this prick lays comfy in their privilege to the point of whining about something the don't really care about, it's just the Kony thing lost steam but they still want to chug along. 170 has you cryin? I dunno what for, the murder rate was at 359 when I was nine and I lived in a very violent neighborhood to the point I didn't know murder wasn't a natural cause of death 'til I hit my 20s. This person just want to cry the blues over nothing, people die, get over it. No, it ain't fair always but unless you're directly affect (and this girl isn't), there's nothing to whine over. We're not on fire like Chicago and trust the mayor is aware, knock off the kumbayah bullsh*t, no one's buyin.

Is it terrible we've a murder rate? Yeah, would save me money on therapy and the idea of not having C-PTSD and Dissassociative Disorder sounds awesome but what this yuppie expects is prolly a murder rate of zero, possibly like the town they most likely came from. But hey we're nicknamed "Bulletmore, Murdaland", "Harm City" and "City That Bleeds" for a reason. Help if you want to but leave your Whiteness and Upper Classness at the door, or better yet, the city line.

There is more outrage over violence in this city than this dimwit thinks. Maybe if she actually spoke to us native Baltimoreans (instead of prolly crackin jokes about how we live our lives and how we talk to other yuppies), she'd know that. I am more angered about the violence in Baltimore than she ever would because I had to live through it. She wants to pull a Romney and think "Oh noes, you all won't play along. Let me parachute in with my pseudo concern." She's prolly far outta harm's way and only here to steal whatever culture she can to make herself look hip and aware. Keyword: "look".

Yo, knock off the fake politeness, your race and class priv. is showin'. Stop pretending you care because trust, you really don't, you just want an opening for White Saviorism. Move back to where you if you don't like it here (What is it with Whites and middle/upper class folks not getting that? You have the ability to plant yourself wherever so do it) because while we could use some help, we don't need you and your passive aggressive self to tell us how. Come back when you have more to say on the subject instead of crying crocodile tears. We're not your brothers or sisters. We're definitlely not one with you because we know you're not one with us. Hell, you prolly do weed, meaning you yourself are part of the problem, ya druggie. Even if you didn't, your social standing still is.

And you're upset? Heh, you have absolutely no f*cking clue how I feel. Be grateful you didn't have to grow up in it. Be grateful no one considers you "uncomfortable" because you won't let them be freely classist and racist and god forbid you grew up in a culture different from White culture and have zero appreciation for such a phony and hijacking culture. Be grateful this ain't your city. It's mine. Be grateful you can pick up your fixie, pack your second hand crap and go where it's nicer, I can't. Be grateful that you can dress like you're poor by choice, I don't think I'd give up buying my $300-400 dresses because I actually *was* poor growing up. So shut up and have a seat, you never wanted to fix anything, just whine.

If this chick is from Baltimore, Black and actually lived in the hood: Where on God's green earth did you learn to talk like that? You're sounding real delusional and like you're trying to pretend you're some concern-trollin', know-nothing yuppie. Open your eyes, you know *exactly* what is going on here in this city, stop faking for the crowd. Stop buggin the mayor, you know she ain't gonna do nothin 'til some rich White kid is dead and she's not as concerned with the murder rate as you want her to be, you know that. Just stop pretending you don't know what's going on and work with some community org or something. Ain't nothin gonna get better if things don't get better.

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