open letter

May 21, 2011 00:28

 Dear Moffat,

i don't know what's happening to us. i don't know if it's me or if it's you. it's that i don't feel the butterflies in my stomach and i don't stare after you with the love i used to. don't get me wrong, i still love you. i'm still excited to see all your stuff but something's not fine. it's not that glittery. i'm not totally taken over by your stories. i still love them but something has definitely changed. and what made me realize this was Neil's episode. i kinda expected more from him. but this was the best episode this season by now and you got me puzzled with this. okay, he's Neil. i get that. but Neil's average work seems to be still better than your over-the-usual.

what i'm trying to say is that you better get your storylines and scripts improved - last season's quality would be perfect for my little heart - at least by the time you get to River's story. because if you screw that up for me, i'll be mad.


the moff, telly: doctor who

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