the idea of this post came on me when i bumped into this "masterpiece" on the telly again. i think i just have to write these things down. because i can't say it's bad, and i definitely can't say that it's good. it's weird.
the basic conception wouldn't be so bad. it's a fantasy parody series. the hero is pretty average - not exactly stupid but not that bright. They have a nonfunctional servant, a nonfunctional mage, the compulsory gay widow and the girlfriend/exgrirlfriend of the hero who's a pagan girl and pretty much has her way with everyone. as actors they don't have a big challenge and they do what they have to. the evil lord and his servand are the guys from Little Britain. that's it. they pretty much do what they do there. maybe this is slightly more tasteful. or not.
Negative side:
the humor. it can be pretty offensive, distasteful. they use the jokes older highschoolers and freshman boys do at college. mostly they operate with sexual jokes. i did have the fortune to listen to both the Hungarian and English version. the Hungarian is way more offensive - maybe it's the translator but the English version did seem "eatable'.
Positive side:
it's way more realistic than the actual fantasy series. points out their faults in a direct or non-direct way. the characters have real interactions, problems. though it pretty much resolves around one thing (mentioned above). Also, they screw up everything they can, including the evil pole. also, Aneka (India de Beaufort) is incredibly beautiful and Kröd (Sean Maguire) isn't that ugly either.
- Sir, I had no idea you and Bruce...
- Do you know how long i've been locked away in this dungeon?!
- Well, yeah, two weeks... and it's coed, so...