
Dec 31, 2011 19:29

i'm planning to make myself read more. it's not that i don't want to or that i don't have time. it's that i don't MAKE time for reading. so this is how i'm trying to make myself read more - professional and nonprefessional literature, too. all in all: i'm writing a list. happy now? p.s.: the cut doesn't refer to the quality. it refers to that specific movie title.

1. Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett: Good Omens
2. Mingmei Yip: Peach Blossom Pavilon
3. Murakami Haruki: South of the Border, West of the Sun
4. György, Spiró: Tavaszi tárlat
5. Suzanne Collins: The Hunger Games
6. Suzanne Collins: Catching Fire
7. Suzanne Collins: Mockingjay

books, lj: meme

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