Jan 14, 2011 22:31
Book Title: "Rheinsberg"
Author: Kurt Tucholsky
Page Count: 85
First Published: 1912
Rating: superfunk - golden - sweet - blah - superblah- blergh - goatfood
This is a sweet little love story and I think the first big thing Tucholsky wrote, and yet I was mildly disappointed. Apparently a best-seller of it's time and still perfectly readable and all, I just hated the female character. She was so cutesy-wutesy-iddy-biddy. What I liked best was the author's prefaec in which he challenges a student from the 21st century to write a thesis about what's inside a certain package. Then he talks about a lover in 1985 giving the book away as a gift, and how all books have a sell-by date of fifty years (what nonsense), so that was very interesting, but the story in itself, not so much.