May 16, 2008 15:28
Now that the weather is nice, I started a regular thing of doing these artsy-fartsy chalk drawings on the patio of the coffee shop each week. (Today I drew this giant butterfly whose wings were made out of treats.) The part of the patio that I like to draw on is right underneath a flowering dogwood that was shedding all of its petals today. It was the perfect temperature, the sun was still low in the sky, some robins were having a squabble nearby and a little chipmunk was running laps around my area for no apparent reason. I was happily coloring away (With my homemade chalk! Bob printed out a recipe online and I use fudge boxes for molds!) and some cute little kids were running and jumping all over the patio, making a game out of trying to catch the flower petals before they touched the ground. It was one of those quintessential spring moments that make you feel just grateful to be a part.