Prison Break: 202 Otis (episode thoughts and pic spam)

Aug 31, 2006 00:23

Synopsis: Abruzzi, Sucre and C-Note make a run for it on their own; Michael and Lincoln plan another breakout - this time to rescue a jailed LJ, whom Mahone targets in his quest to capture the escaped cons; Bellick and Warden Pope face a jury of their peers regarding the prison escape; Tweener hitches a ride with the college crowd; and T-Bag takes drastic measures to get the upper hand.

I have to say I was a little ho-hum about this episode and it wasn't just because there were no shippy moments ;) I started doing my own screen caps and then gave up because I didn't love the episode that much. So all caps are from here. The first half a dozen or so are mine.

I'm afraid I'm a bit mean, so I wouldn't read this if you liked the episode a lot. :P

Mahone doesn't own a television so in his spare time he appears to stare at...


Birdbath on the floor

Who's the hottest one of all?
Bird ... bath ...

Will I ever be as cute as Lincoln Burrows or Michael Scofield?

Creepy sidekick with strange face and weird hair monitors the Wall of Weird. It's like a telethon or something.

Michael monitors a family having a picnic. He looks at a newspaper where he sees his own mug looking back.

The others are bickering among themselves until Michael shows up with food.

I love that he has to be the provider of food and the brains. They decide to split up. Michael hands out cash while Lincoln is all broody and angsty.

They discuss the others and then there's a flash over to T Bag who has somehow managed to have his arm stitched back on without any anaesthesia. In the end, the vet somehow manages to stitch his arm back on, but T-Bag kills him anyway. He is so devoid of humanity. I know people like him, but he scares the crap out of me. I can't understand why people like him so much. I heard that people in the street go up to him and want to hold onto his pocket. *shudder*

Lincoln demands that Michael helps him rescue LJ. His plan is simply to rush the courthouse. Ah it's clear that Michael got all the brains in the family.

Linc, I'll have to carry you
I'm bigger 'n you. How will you do that?

Like this
I don't think so, runt

Don't call me that
Or what?

I won't help is what!
Fine, you little snot

Linc - you're going to need to learn how to act. Maybe change your facial expression once in a while?
I can act.

See? I'm acting.
Oh dear.

Bird .... bath ....

Linc: No idea why you said I can't act. I'm in disguise.

Michael: Well, I'm being a college Maths Nerd. You?

GQ model

Freaky Sidekick: I'm even uglier than Mahone

I shaved my head. Lucky Linc the Sink taught me everything he knows about bein' a master of disguise!

I'm bemused that Lincoln keeps standing around in plain sight of everyone so that people can see his face.

Little snot. Just 'cos he got us out thinks he knows it all. I can act!

OK, if I try ruly ruly hard I can change my expression

Maybe not.

Meanwhile, LJ is being visited by Mahone. LJ's hair looks different - like he wants to be in Oasis or something. Mahone tries to cut a deal but LJ seems to have grown tougher and won't have a bar of it.

Be good to yourself. Tell me everything you know.

What if I take my glasses off?
Still no ...

You talk to birdbaths. You get nothing out of me.

Meanwhile Tweener is queuing up to try to buy a ticket to Utah.

Tweener is queuing
The guy behind him is already suspicious of him

Tweener sees a newspaper about the escape
So he decides to turn around and gawk at the newspaper in an Unsubtle Manner

Already suspicious guy turns and looks, too
So Tweener looks around again in an unsubtle manner

Lincoln, still being a master of disguise calls his son and talks to him even though he must have known that everything was being traced/tracked/whatever. :P I have no idea what evil pod person took over and possessed Michael's body to make him come up with a plan like this. I blame Lincoln ;)

Know who this is?

You do realise that they are tracking all my calls

So I probably shouldn't say 'On the third, look out for Otis Right?'
I'll bet Uncle Michael tried to stop you from calling

Smartass. Kids, think they know it all.
Put your arm back in the car, please

Shut up, runt

'k I'm goin' in. You stand watch. Don't chat up any chicks
Relax. Master of disguise, remember?

Hot damn! Come to papa!

Linc: I can explain
Michael: You chatted up a chick, didn't you?

*sigh* Maybe I shouldn't have adopted a Link the Sink-esque disguise. I wonder if my Michael Scofield-esque disguise will work better.

Linc: Look, I said I'm sorry.

So what's the plan, pole vault?
Then I run in guns blazing and rescue LJ?

Michael: I think you should leave the planning to me
Michael: Repeat after me. You brawn, me brain

You little snot, I'm having you tried as an adult.


No one disses the birdbath

LJ: Wonder WTF dad was on about
oh ..

LJ: Eeek!
LJ: Double eek!.

LJ: OK I wonder if this will work
Mahone: Bird ... bath .... Little snot dissed my birdbath. Bird ... bath ....

Not so fast!

Michael: I have a bad feeling about this, I shouldn't have let Linc come up with the plan
Linc: Shut up and help me pull him up!

Michael: OK, who was the one who got us out in the first place?
Michael: Who got a friggin' giant tattoo of the blueprints tattooed on his body?

LJ: Dad
Linc: Yeah, son?

LJ: Your plan sucks! Next time listen to Uncle Michael!
Linc: You little snot!

Linc: Shut up.
Michael: I didn't say anything!
Linc: You were going to.

In this episode, Pope and Bellick were both under investigation. Pope was grilled about why Michael had such freedom, Bellick is grilled about his corrupt ways. Eventually because Geary appears and basically spills the beans on them, Pope receives a slap on the wrist and Bellick is dismissed.

I feel so bad about Pope. He really liked Michael and I believe that Michael liked him as well. They showed him as a fairly decent man so I wonder if Michael's ever going to be able to mend this bridge. I was hoping he had left a note in the Taj Mahal - at least saying sorry :(

*sigh* I've grown accustomed to his face
Now all I have left of him is this model of the Taj Mahal

And memories of him
Where he is enshrouded in Flattering Hazy Flashblack Blue

But now - he's gone
He betrayed me!!!

We see a different side of Bellick as he wallows in depression, hugs his mother and feels sorry for himself. I know we're supposed to feel sorry for him but don't forget this guy is corrupt and he also put young, first offenders into cells with known rapists because they either didn't give him information or they couldn't bribe him. I have no pity for him. I'm harsh that way but I'm kind of anti-abuse of power.

I'm gonna find that sonofabitch Scofield and show him I'm prettier 'n him!

Back to T-Bag who looks like an aged rent boy who's way, way past his prime. *shudder* I know I keep harping on about the hand but if someone stitches back what is essentially a dead hand onto your stump, surely it will turn gangrenous and you will die?

Mmm mmm, I'm goin' to Utah
These highlights (and my miraculously re-attached previously severed hand) make me look prettier 'n Scofield

Tweener's managed to score a ride to Utah. Everyone's goin' to Utah....

OK, you can ride in my car to Utah
Dressing up like Scofield works. Yay me!

I will be prettier 'n Scofield!

What's up with you?
I'm acting - can't you tell?

I've been shot
No you look like you broke a nail

It's called being subtle, you little snot
Here we go again

Guard: Hey kid - your old man's escape plan sucked!
Please Uncle Michael - save my father from himself

Oh. Blood.
Someone must been shot and need medical treatment. I'm such a genius.

Bird ... bath ...

So there you have it. Clearly I was very disappointed with this episode. I suppose it's just because it compared unfavourably to the very awesome first episode Manhunt.

Nonetheless, I have hopes for next week .... please bring back Dr Sara ....please!? :)

pic spam, prison break pic spam, prison break

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